Michael here with 2 stories of productized services, both solving the same problem and making 7+ figures...

Marshall had recently bought a nerdy apparel ecomm site, and it was tanking.

The only great piece was the ops manager - Joemer. He was a dynamo and helped lead the turnaround effort. Fast forward to 2020 and Marshall is looking for his next business to start. One idea from Joemer had stuck with him - a remote recruiting service for talent in the Philippines.

Shephard takes 20% of the first year salary, and did at least $3,000,000 in the first 2 years.

The other one is the company that I just left after building out marketing - GrowthAssistant. Founded by childhood best friends Adriane Schwager and Jesse Pujji. Jesse's agency manages $400MM in FB ads, Adriane grew a hedge from 20->200 by building out recruiting from scratch.

They're a powerhouse team.

So they launch GA as "offshore growth PH marketing talent in 3 weeks or less for $3k/month" and roll out to their networks. $50K MRR in months. Then they go viral on Twitter. And go viral again, and again. Now (just 18 months in) they're doing $500K+ every month.

What's the difference between the 2 companies that led to GA growing so much faster?

GA charges a recurring fee vs Shephard's one time charge. The sales compounded in a way Shephard couldn't support, and kept a smaller team to boot! They're both great businesses, but the easier it is for the customer to buy from you again the better.

I'm Michael BTW - I tweet a lot and just launched a productized ClickUp and NoCode Operations service (I also have a small podcasting one). I'm definitely a fan of recurring services, but I admire a nice fat one off check too.

If you'd like me to share your story with the 10,000 strong Productized tribe , let me know by filling out this short form here.
