Niche Twins - Keith's Site Reveal!
Act I
I often forget (or maybe I try to forget) that my current site is not truly my first site.
For that, we have to go back to November 2015.
I was living in San Diego and I had just turned 25 years old. I was also in the early days of what would later become a five-year obsession with Bitcoin.
Before I saw the light though, I had to first dabble with what are now affectionately referred to as “sh*tcoins”. And boy did I dabble.
It wasn’t long before I saw a $7,000 investment gamble run up to $100,000.
I was a GENIUS.
And then I watched it nearly all evaporate…poof…just like that.
As if watching my paper gains disappear wasn’t bad enough, come April I owed the equivalent of my salary at the time in capital gains tax.
It’s true that the get-rich-quick illusion is what initially drew me in. But it was the broader question of “what is money?” that got me to stay.
Money touches every single facet of day-to-day life.
It’s no surprise that when your understanding and perception of money changes, your entire worldview changes with it.
But I’m not here to evangelize.
Instead I’m setting the stage for how I came to create “" in December 2017.
No, that’s not a joke.
Is it the 6 word, 25 letter domain name that threw you? Or maybe the 80’s pop culture word play?
Or MAYBE, you’re thinking if I had only dropped “the” from the domain it would’ve all come together?
Well, relax. I asked around…$1,500 was out of the question.
I found myself with a lot of time on my hands that December.
Here’s a snapshot of what I was up to (courtesy of the Wayback Machine).
A casual Benjamin Graham PSA blog post…the balls! 😅
When the holiday season was over, work picked up again and that was pretty much that.
In the end, “" turned out to be nothing more than a crash course in WordPress. But I will say, I had a lot of fun doing it.
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So, you’re building niche sites. Definitely not for fun (or not just for fun). One thing for sure – you think money. You think revenue. You think traffic boners!
Odys Global is your source for a guaranteed site launchpad. You get premium aged domains, exclusive mentorship, and access to pretty much everything you might need to start a money-making website. And it’s 24/7.
Think brandable names, clean history, SEO value – these are just a few of the things you get when acquiring an Odys domain. Oh, and you’ll save tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars on link building. How? Simply because these domains are thoroughly vetted and cherry-picked by the best in the biz.
And, speaking of the best in the biz, you can always get a hold of one of the Odys Mentors – industry experts, who are happy to help you out with your site-building strategy, monetization, or anything else you need assistance with.
Kickstart your website with domains that aged well –> REQUEST ACCESS <-
-End Sponsor-
Act II
That brings me to the big reveal…my current (albeit second) site:
The first site I've started with even a loose concept of what “SEO” and “keyword research” mean.
Last week I declared this site dead. This week it appears very much alive.
Have a look around and take in the sights.
See if you come to the same conclusion I have: this site will continue to get swept up into Google’s bipolar updates unless a few major changes are made.
And yes, Chelsea is my amazing wife who kindly (while reluctantly) became the face of The Flexible Worker once I joined the niche site community on Twitter.
Next week I run through all the changes I made that I believe led to the recent recovery.
In the meantime get outside and enjoy the weekend.
PS: We get several DMs a week asking if we offer a course teaching folks how to build content sites. We don't, but there is one course we always recommend: Jon Dykstra's "Niche Site Profits". Jon made $116,434 last month from his portfolio of sites. I repeat: $116,434. In one month. Jon only opens his course a few times a year and it just opened up again this week. We have both taken the trainings and it's a comprehensive guide on starting, growing, and monetizing content sites. If you're finally serious about learning how to build profitable niche signs, you can sign-up here (it closes again in 2 days!):
--> Sign-up for Niche Site Profits <--
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