🎤 SWIPES Email (Friday April 12th, 2024)

The SWIPES Email

Edition: Friday, April 12th, 2024
An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


🎀 Listen to this email here:



While this chart isn't visually very interesting, but the content is very juicy!

This is USA data from 2023 that shows your age and net worth, and what percentage you fall in compared to others.

Example: You're 32 years old and have a $500,000 net worth, this makes you richer than 90% of people your age.




How did I not know this before?

Even number interstates: Side to Side
Odd number interstate roads: Up and Down

I love it when a simple graphic like this teaches you something useful!




The last episode of My First Million Podcast was recorded from my office with the standard 1080p webcam on the iMac M3.

​Sam Parr initially thought this was the DSLR camera feed! I still think a DSLR camera looks better, but these webcams are getting good!


I still think a full DSLR setup look best, but the iMac and iPhone aren't too far behind.

Same lighting, same positioning, different webcams:
β€’ Sony a6400 DSLR
β€’ iPhone 14 Pro
β€’ iMac M3 webcam
β€’ iMac M1 laptop webcam





In Austin, TX. we got a 100% eclipse blackout, but it was super cloudy!

So I couldn't really see the eclipse itself too well, but the whole place went dark which was really neat:

Here I am watching the eclipse from home:


It was fun seeing all the neighbors from every house out as well (also you can see the auto-sensors on the downtown building lights turned on when it got dark)!




One of my goals this year is to treat my business more like a 9-5 job.

This means:​
- A little less needless goofing off during the day.
- Finish my entire to-do list during biz hours.
- Just because I don’t have anything to do, doesn’t mean I HAVE to do nothing.

When I was younger and with less obligations it was easy to spread out work across all 16 waking hours. But with more social/family/friend stuff going on, time becomes more precious.

The 9-5 time block makes a lot of sense, as most of the world operates around this schedule.

A few benefits I have are:
- Not having to commute and deal with traffic.
- This 9-5 schedule is *self* imposed, not forced.





I have a quick request for you πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

"Will you leave me a testimonial?"

-Neville Medhora


All you have to do is reply back to this email with a testimonial for either Copywriting Course, The Swipes Email, or stuff you've learned from me.

Different types of testimonials you can respond with:
​Level 1.) Respond with anything nice to say about me or Copywriting Course.
​Level 2.) Respond back with a lesson you learned, applied, and did better with.
​Level 3.) Respond back with something you improved, and send visual proof or numbers of it improving!
​Level 4.) Respond back with a video testimonial.

I read every single one of these! I appreciate it so much!!

**Let me know if you want me to anonymize your name on the testimonial.
Neville Medhora

P.S. Checkout some wins from copywriting Course

"We had an amazing response to our last email. Thanks for the feedback and rewrites!" -KR


"This is such an awesome course! I'm learning so much about marketing as well as copywriting. I'm seeing all the mistakes I've made in the past and learning how to correct them! " -


"Based on last Office Hours added a β€œqualifying statement” to leads process on Instagram, and the first test of it already resulted in a $800/mo sale, looking very promising! -RR

"Last LinkedIn post written in Office Hours was almost best in company history, and we go over more ideas to make more bangers!" -CH


"Updated page + email for a sync’ing software co-released with big company. Email we made in Office Hours about to go out to 10,000+ existing customers." -CC


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