Wolf Craft - Has this happened in your business?

Dear readers,

Can you relate to this?

We had an experience recently that’s so common. We thought a bunch of people (that’s you, dear reader) knew about something we offer, but actualllyyyyy, they didn’t! Maybe you’ve had a similar experience in your business?

We had our first group coaching call (btw it was great!). A few people in our cohort had already worked with us on a personalized roadmap to help their content convert better.

But! We were surprised to learn that a bunch of people on the call had never heard of this particular work we do. We learned that we were not talking about our offerings enough. That folks who we know would benefit a ton from our Tweak & Edit didn’t know it existed.

The lesson?

Talk about what you do. Even more.

You may think you talk ad nauseam about your products or services. But your audience doesn’t see everything you put out into the world. They probably don’t see half of it. Plus, everyone is busy and we literally see hundreds of pieces of content PER DAY.

Now we know that we have to do a better job too!

So! We’re going to take our own advice. If you think you’d like no-fluff, personalized-for-your-business tips help your content convert better (aka more sales, press, and opportunities), just reply “Tell me more”. We’ll send you over the info.

Now on to the PR tips!

Show, Don't Tell

A “How to Pitch Primer” for your biz 

In 2020, WIRED Magazine created a How to Pitch Stories to WIRED guide.

If you’ve tried to figure out who to pitch, especially at a print publication, you may have noticed that the structure of the editorial staff can be opaque. It can be hard to know what specific editors cover or what they like to receive pitches about. 

That’s where WIRED’s guide comes in. It includes a lot of good tips for developing a PR strategy beyond learning how to pitch WIRED.  We think you can extrapolate to pitch nearly any publication!

We pulled out nine key tips that you can incorporate into your own media outreach work. See the first three below, or read all 9 PR tips here.

1. Create ‘how to pitch stories’ guides for your biz.

This guide was written for freelancers looking to pitch stories to WIRED, but it lays out a great PR framework for your own projects, collabs, or launches.

The learnings in the guide apply to the research you'll do for any new publication you want to pitch. You can make a How to Pitch Stories to XYZ, guide for any publication you want to send a story to.

2. Make your pitch news.

Amaze us… tell us something we’ve never heard before, in a way we’ve never seen before.” Use this prompt with your own biz. It will help you determine if your story is newsworthy.

- What is the specific problem your project or product solves?

- What are you doing that is new, that the publication’s audience to will want to read about?

How to pitch pro tip:

Incorporate what makes you work newsworthy early in your pitch email and wherever possible include this info in your pitch subject line.

3. Understand a publications’ point of view.

Every publication has a point of view that establishes their unique voice. Here, WIRED tells us their POV is: technology, science, and innovation.

To determine the POV of a publication, make note of the three or four key variables that run through several articles. This will help you determine if your story is a good fit for the out you want to pitch.

As you are doing this work, note of the types of images and graphics included in the articles. Then you’ll know if you already have the right images of your work or if you need to set up a photoshoot before reaching out to editors.

PR Wins

I’m on the Proof to Product Podcast!

I was truly honored to talk with Proof to Product in a podcast about pitching for holiday gift guides. In it I share a lot of my insider tips and secrets about how my team and I pitch for holiday gift guides. And why we’re starting to prep for it earlier than you may think. Proof to Product does great work teaching product-based business how to wholesale their work in a smart, effective, and thoughtful way and I knew this was an audience that would benefit a lot from holiday gift guides.

If you run a product-based business you may know that the holiday gift guide pitching season is about to be in full swing. And maybe you know that because you’ve signed up for one of our gift guide pitching workshops (psst- we still have a few more on the books for this year, they are free, you should sign up).

During this episode, I talk about the most effective holiday gift guide pitching timeline, what you need to have prepared, and how to put your best products forward when pitching press for holiday gift guides.

Laura Krey Design 3-page spread in Rue Magazine

Thanks for giving our newsletter a bit of time in your inbox!

Nora & Kirsten

PS- Did you sign up for a Gift Guide PR workshop and miss the live event?? We’ve got 4 more coming up this year, register here!

How to work with us

If you want to get great at telling your story, for more
press and more clients, we can help!

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