Copywriting Course - 🎤 SWIPES Email (Friday May 24th, 2024)

The SWIPES Email

Friday, May 24th, 2024
An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


๐ŸŽค Listen to this email here:




Look at the "ancestors" of our 26-letter English alphabet.

Cool to see how language is constantly evolving!

Imagine if our alphabet looked like that top line still!

My name would be:

N e v i l l e โคต




If I was born 200 years ago I'd live in a hot rural Indian village. As a kid I had -6.75 vision, which in the modern age is easily correctable, but back then would limit my work and life options.

Being born in 1980's USA was a gift. We live in a time where comfort is a given, food & freedom is a right, and working from anywhere is possible.

Pretty neat.




I last-minute needed to record short clips for social media, but I forgot to line up an interviewer.....instead I "interviewed myself."

TBH it worked pretty great!

I sat in the left seat and asked 27 questions in a row, then I sat in the right seat and gave 27 short answers. Then with some basic editing got it sent over for clipping:

In 1 hour I was able to record 27 clips like this:

โ€‹One of my best time management hacks:

video previewโ€‹

3 ways to amp up your copy:

video previewโ€‹

Being able to concentrate for a long period of time should be considered a super power nowadays.

video previewโ€‹

The characteristics of someone who does great copywriting:

video previewโ€‹




Driving by downtown Austin looks super Mad-Maxish because our old basketball stadium is being demolished piece by piece and it looks badass driving by it!

It's cool seeing the rectangular structure underneath, because we all knew this building (The Erwin Center) as round:




One thing I always notice on a page is the price of something.

Ultimately it determines so many of our decisions, which is why I personally collect a bunch of pricing structures.

Pricing is a weird art because it's not always rational:

  • If you price too cheap, you signal poor quality.
  • But you can also price things cheaper to sell more.
  • If you price too high you make less sales.
  • But if you price ultra-high it gets more attention.

Pricing really is an interesting blend of science and art!




We're experimenting with video on our sales page, what do you think of this style of video?


The base foundation for the video was a Google Presentation I made of 107 slides, then turned it into video format:

I'd love to know if you think video is:โ€‹
โ€‹A.) Good :-)
โ€‹B.) Bad :-(
โ€‹C.) Could use some work on specific parts (let me know)!



Have a great Friday!!โ€‹
Neville Medhora




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