Copywriting Course - 🎤 SWIPES Email (Friday June 7th, 2024)

Your Friday SWIPES Email !😃!

Friday, June 7th, 2024
An educational (and fun) email by Copywriting Course. Enjoy!


🎤 Listen to this email here:




This is a GREAT high-level overview of how to monetize from social media:

Post on Social --> Newsletter --> Community --> Larger Projects

Credit to @RichardPatey for this graphic.

I like this because it's quite simple. If I adapted this to our Copywriting Course business model, this is how it would looks:

You can see that the blog post and social media flow into the newsletter, which then some people buy a Copywriting Course Subscription, and then some clients go on to do larger custom projects with us.





Many of your core beliefs are forged in the first 21 years of your life.

For example if you grew up during The Great Depression, you’ll likely have qualities that prioritize survival and frugality.

This graphic visually demonstrates the concept of "Time Compression"

Similarly, a lot of your nostalgia is completely formed by ~15 years old. Look at this chart showing the different ages of different nostalgic opinions:





Wow a buddy of mine Patrick Campbell has been quietly building up a 300,000 subscriber YouTube channel over the last year and has only published Short videos, not a single long video!


While longform video is better by the metrics in almost every way, it's WAYYYYY harder to make, and recently many social platforms have been pushing short videos even more and more:





All last week I had a fun co-worker.....Meet Dobby!

I dogsat Dobby and he was great. He's one of those GoldenDoodles that's genetically bred to be an awesome dog:

  • Mild mannered.
  • Doesn't shed at all.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Medium sized.
  • Athletic but not TOOOOO athletic.
  • Long nose snout so no breathing problems.
  • Big fluffy muppet face!



Newsletters are just blogs...

Newsletters are usually a bunch of short posts and thoughts listed out. This is what most blogs were!

The thing that newsletters solved versus blogs: DISTRIBUTION.

When you publish a blog post it enters the void.

When you publish a newsletter it gets read by 30%+ of your list!





My greatest hack for meeting with current friends and meeting new friends and avoiding all the annoying scheduling texts is:

Setup a scheduling link called /meeting with available times, and make it auto-select a location that's convenient!

It's super easy to schedule casual hangouts this way....tbh I feel like I unlocked a life cheatcode by sending scheduling links for social hangs:

Here's how I use this Hangout Calendar:

video preview​


Have a great Friday!!​
Neville Medhora

P.S. Checkout some wins from Copywriting Course members:

​"I'm learning so much not just from the course but from the discussions about the material. It's so great to share ideas and strategies with other sharp marketing minds!" -GL


"Such valuable content! Just what I need to boost the marketing for my business!" -RG


"Emails with your edits are converting 10%! Thanks so much!" -LR

"The rewrites from the copywriting pros are invaluable!" -AH


"Since Office hours I already got our IG posts moving in a better direction. It goes live tomorrow along with 2 IG Lives with a lawyer and coach. Thanks so much for the help." -RR


"The website help we got in Office Hours got us our first sale from that page...from Apple! A huge win for us!" -CS




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