Here’s How You Could Make at Least 90% by Year’s End |
Sometimes you can be 100% correct about the fundamentals of an investment idea and still get your face ripped off by negative investor sentiment. |
Does it mean the idea was wrong? |
Well, it depends on your time horizon. If you’re a day trader, then fundamentals don’t matter. All that matters is perfect timing. |
But if you have a one- to three-year time horizon, getting the fundamentals right is the only thing that matters. Because it’s the fundamental analysis – whether an asset has enduring value or not – that will bail you out of market sell-offs. |
So the key to making money in the markets isn’t so much avoiding sell-offs… Because they happen all the time. |
The key is making sure your analysis is so good that the price of your asset will not only recover when sentiment recovers – but go on to hit new highs. |
This is my litmus test for a great asset. |
I know volatility is inherent to investing. I’m OK with that as long as I know the assets I buy will recover as the broad market recovers. |
Here’s what 36 years in financial markets have taught me… |
Over the short term, investor sentiment is the most powerful force in the market. But over the long term, it’s the fundamentals of an investment that will win out. |
When investor sentiment diverges sharply from the fundamentals… That’s when enormous economic opportunity is unlocked. |
Over the last five years, we’ve seen at least four occasions when huge sentiment divergences hit bitcoin. I believe we’re experiencing a fifth divergence now. |
I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let’s look at some previous divergences and the opportunities they presented. |
Four Times the Market Got the Bitcoin Story Really Wrong |
Think back to March 2020, when the global pandemic caused the S&P 500 to drop as much as 36% in just 32 days. Over the same period, bitcoin dropped as much as 63%. It got clobbered from $10,500 to as low as $3,850. |
What did a global pandemic have to do with bitcoin? Absolutely nothing. |
But that didn’t stop negative investor sentiment from temporarily mauling bitcoin’s price 63% lower. |
At the time, bitcoin’s fundamentals had never been better. |
Public companies were starting to buy into bitcoin. Family offices and hedge funds were starting to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin adoption was clearly broadening. But investor sentiment didn’t care and slammed bitcoin lower. |
This was a clear case of investor sentiment overriding fundamentals. And that’s why I went on air in front of an audience of thousands and pounded the table, telling them this was an epic buying opportunity. |
I’m sure many thought I was delusional. Again, the price of bitcoin had just collapsed 63%. The market had spoken. And it was clearly saying bitcoin had no value. |
Yet just over 12 months later, bitcoin was trading at $60,000. That’s over a 15.5x return from its March 2020 lows. |
Think about it. Just 12 months earlier, the market was convinced bitcoin was worth only $3,850. That shows you just how wrong market sentiment can be. |
The fundamentals underpinning bitcoin’s adoption story proved to be more powerful than the short-term sentiment fears driven by the global pandemic. |
We saw a similar divergence in March 2023. That’s when a handful of regional banks melted down as a duration mismatch in their bond portfolios led to catastrophic paper losses. |
I couldn’t think of any financial crisis more removed from bitcoin than a regional banking crisis. Yet, bitcoin dropped from a high of $25,270 to a low of $19,569. |
To me this was insane. I knew a banking crisis made bitcoin more valuable – not less valuable. |
That’s why on March 10, 2023, I recorded a special video for my subscribers… Telling them to put opportunistic capital to work in bitcoin while it traded under $20,000. |
On that day, bitcoin bottomed at $19,569, giving my subscribers the chance to make as much as 462% on their money in just 22 months. |
To put that gain in perspective, you would have had to hold the S&P 500 from 2010 to its peak in February 2025 to have made the same return. |
The third time I saw fundamentals completely negated by investor sentiment was in June 2023. |
On June 15 of that year, BlackRock filed an application to create an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that would hold physical bitcoin. At the time, bitcoin quickly rallied from about $25,000 to around $30,000. |
I was shocked that the rally was so muted. I was even more shocked when, by early September, bitcoin was back down to $25,000. |
To me, this made no sense again. Here was the most bullish news I’d ever seen in bitcoin’s history. And the market sentiment couldn’t care less. |
Can you imagine the doubt, frustration, and derision I had to face during this period? |
Again, folks called me delusional, misguided, and plain wrong. But I knew bitcoin was – and still is – an adoption story. If you have a finite asset with growing demand and more people have a new, easier way to buy it, prices have to go up. |
So not only did I keep pounding the table to buy bitcoin, I allocated millions more of my own money to it. |
Just eight months later, bitcoin was trading at $73,769 – a 195% gain. Again, the fundamentals of bitcoin’s adoption story were ultimately more powerful than any short-term negative investor sentiment. |
The fourth example I want to share with you is from January 10, 2024. |
That’s when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved all 11 bitcoin ETFs at once. The following day, bitcoin peaked at $49,048 – and then fell like a stone. By January 23, it was trading at $38,505. |
At the time, market sentiment was convinced this was a “buy the rumor, sell the news” event. The “fast” money that had been playing the ETF launch sprinted out of bitcoin once it was official. |
And once again, I pounded the table that this was a gift. It was an incredible buying opportunity. |
Suddenly, any institution now had a perfectly compliant way to own and trade bitcoin. It was obvious to me the launch of ETFs would drive greater adoption of bitcoin. |
And again, when you drive greater adoption of an asset that has a fixed issuance schedule along with a fixed supply, it has to go up in value. |
As we all know, that’s exactly what happened. By January 20 of this year, bitcoin hit an all-time high of $109,356. That’s a 184% return in just under 12 months. |
That brings us to the opportunity we have today… |
How to Make 90% When the Market Gets It Wrong – Again |
On March 2, 2025, President Trump tweeted his intention to create a crypto reserve. At the time, he mentioned a handful of coins other than bitcoin. |
Two days earlier, bitcoin had been at $78,000. After the tweet, bitcoin ran as high as $95,152 and then promptly rolled over. |
But then on March 6, the President’s Executive Order establishing a strategic bitcoin reserve and digital asset stockpile was published, and bitcoin’s price fell even further. |
As of this writing, bitcoin has traded as low as $77,393. |
Why the meltdown? |
Besides the tariff threats and trade war fears overhanging the market, the “fast” money was deeply disappointed that the executive order didn’t include a firm commitment to start buying bitcoin right away. |
They immediately dismissed the executive order as a “buy the rumor, sell the news” event. |
This is the exact same mistake the fast money made on January 23, 2024, following the launch of bitcoin ETFs. A mistake that cost them as much as 184% in lost profits. |
Since last year, I’ve said that I believe bitcoin will hit a minimum of $150,000 this cycle. That suggests there is over 90% upside ahead of us before the end of the year. |
You’d have to hold the S&P 500 for an average of seven years to see the type of gain bitcoin can give you this year. |
So why am I so bullish while the world appears to be intensely bearish? It’s the same reason I was bullish in March 2020, March 2023, June 2023, and January 2024. |
In a word: ADOPTION. |
Bitcoin has now been adopted by a nation-state. And not just any nation-state. The greatest financial power humanity has ever known has designated bitcoin as an asset of national strategic importance. |
Do the math. It’s obvious that other countries will look at the United States and copy it. Even if they hate bitcoin – or hate the United States – they can’t ignore the fact that bitcoin is now a national priority of the most important trading partner in the world. |
If you read the executive order, which I encourage you to do here, you’ll see the Trump administration makes a clear distinction between bitcoin and all other coins the federal government owns. |
The other coins will go into a digital stockpile that may be sold as the Treasury Secretary sees fit. However, bitcoin will not be sold. In fact, the U.S. will buy more bitcoin. |
Here’s a direct quote from section 3, subsection C (emphasis added): |
The Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce shall develop strategies for acquiring additional Government BTC provided that such strategies are budget neutral and do not impose incremental costs on United States taxpayers. |
As you can see, the document reads “SHALL.” Not “MAY.” |
That means the government WILL be a buyer of more bitcoin. When and how much? I have no idea. All I need to know is that the most powerful financial force in the world is now buying bitcoin – not selling it. |
Do you really need to know anything else? |
Friends, hear me when I tell you: Bitcoin is a finite resource with a set release schedule. The United States has committed to both buying more – and not selling what it already has. In section 3, subsection A, the Executive Order reads (emphasis added): |
Government BTC deposited into the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve shall not be sold and shall be maintained as reserve assets of the United States utilized to meet governmental objectives in accordance with applicable law. |
The language is right there, in front of us, in black and white. |
The government’s 200,000 BTC has been taken out of the market forever. All the other bitcoin it buys will also be taken out of the market forever. Think about that. |
What happens as other countries, states, and global organizations start to implement their own bitcoin reserve funds? |
Millions of bitcoin will disappear from the market. |
Will that happen today, tomorrow, or next week? Probably not. But the fact that it will happen is all you need to know to continue making money from bitcoin. |
Always remember, bitcoin is special because no matter how big the demand gets, no more extra bitcoin can be issued to meet that demand. |
The schedule for new bitcoin creation is set in stone. It’s not like a stock or fiat currency. The CEO of a company can “print” an endless supply of new shares… And a central bank can add to the money supply with a few strokes on a keyboard. |
But not bitcoin. Its code can’t be touched by any entity, which means no one can manipulate it to create new bitcoin out of thin air. |
Friends, $1 million per bitcoin is inevitable. There are very few investments where I can say the outcome is inevitable. Bitcoin is one of those investments. And as bitcoin goes, so go the altcoins. |
The world will wake up to this reality. And it might happen far sooner than you think. That’s because on March 18, I believe we’ll get an announcement that will catch the stock and the crypto markets by complete surprise. |
Here’s What to Do Next |
Right now, it’s not priced in at all. But if I’m right about what will happen on March 18, it could cause a stampede back into crypto. |
On that day, a singular event is guaranteed to happen that my research suggests will ignite a firestorm of buying in a small subsector of AI coins. And people who get in now have the opportunity to make life-changing wealth. |
The beauty of this setup is you don’t have to risk a lot to make a lot because many of these AI coins trade for pennies… Some even trade for a fraction of a penny. |
To help prepare as many folks as possible for this event, I’m hosting a special briefing at 8 p.m. ET tonight. |
It’s called “The Last AI Boom.” You can click here to RSVP and add yourself to the guest list. |
During my free briefing, I’ll reveal what’s happening on March 18… And why it could give you the chance to turn a handful of $1,000 investments into an entire nest egg – possibly within the next 12 months. |
Friends, this is the time to be bold. When everybody hates crypto, when the markets are down, when nobody sees anything but blackness in front of us. |
So click here to join me tonight at 8 p.m. ET. And let me show you why now is the time when fortunes are made. |
Let the Game Come to You! |
Big T |