IWillTeachYouToBeRich - 20 lessons on how to sell the right way

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Hi Reader,

I believe sales emails can be totally amazing and unlike anything you’ve ever read before. I’d like to prove it to you.

See, I think we can do better than writing sales emails and relying on a scammy toolbox of huge discounts, fear-mongering, and false hype. I believe there’s a way to write sales emails that are engaging, fun, and interesting

Here are 20 of my favorite authentic sales tools. Use these and you'll get better results — and happier readers.

  1. Be clear, not clever. A subject line like “Hey” or “Critical mistake” is clever. An email like “New course: Creating an online business” is clear. Clever emails might get you short-term boosts in open rates, but people stop trusting you after a few of them.

  2. But also: Don't be boring. My #1 fear with writing copy is that it’s boring. If it’s boring, you’re dead. Game over. So whether I’m writing a 70-page sales page or a 10-line email, it is going to be entertaining first and foremost. Even before the educational part of it.

  3. Everyone should get value from the funnel. Even non-buyers.

  4. Whenever you can, add in photos of yourself working out. Boom!

  1. Go from the clouds to the street. Don’t talk about lofty concepts like freedom. Talk about having a leisurely morning with green tea. Don’t just say “worry-free” — talk about how you can afford to pay for a math tutor for your son. Take your ideas from the clouds — airy-fairy and vague — to the street, where you and I live.

  2. There are 3 skills of a great copywriter. First, know if it’s good or not (yes or no). Second, know WHY it’s good or not (much harder). Third, know HOW to make it good (the hardest skill of all). The best know all 3.

  3. Zig / Zag. People get a lot of email, a lot of pitches. Figure out what they're expecting … then do something different. For example, most people would be hard selling on the last day of a launch. But we’re sending you this email that you’re reading right now.

  4. Be honest. Admit your mistakes. I spent $2 million on FB ads and it didn’t work. Because of my management, we had to shut down a multimillion-dollar community product. I sent out an inflammatory email about bitcoin. Each was a mistake. I admitted each, in detail.

  5. People like to be sold. If you don't know what I'm talking about, stop shopping at Payless.

  6. Write like you talk. So many of you are great in person … and turn into weirdos the second you start typing. Just write like you talk.

  7. Assume your mom will read the email. (Hi Mom!) This forces you to have integrity in what you write. My mom, dad, Stanford professors, New York Times journalist friends, and many more read this. I intend to honor them and keep our quality up — always.

  8. People love learning about themselves. This explains why people love learning about their astrological sign (“Are you a Capricorn? OMGG I knew it, that makes so much sense!”).

  9. Read every email from your readers. My readers email me the juiciest stories that they would never share publicly. Why? Because they trust me! Build a relationship where your readers trust you. And read the emails! There is no better source of customer research.

  10. Be very careful who you learn from. If you study hype-filled, sleazy copy, those tactics will find their way into your writing. Who are you following?

  11. Push / Pull. Sales is emotional, not simply logical. If you’ve made all the logical arguments … congratulations, you have a boring series of emails. Push and pull by telling stories and jokes. Use long emails and short emails. Mix it up — but always have a purpose.

  12. Take your time. You don't have to get married on the first date. Slow down the tempo and trust that your copy can unfold over time.

  13. When it's time to sell — sell! Don't be ashamed. Don't hold back. Like this: If you’re reading this, you obviously want to know how to sell better. We’re doing it right now — as you’re reading these words. You should join our course to learn how to write better sales emails.

  14. Include real FAQs, not fake ones. I always laugh when I see BS FAQs like "How can I give you more money?" And I never buy. Get real and answer the real questions your audience has. Like: “Why should I buy this when there are 50 other products like yours out there?”

  15. Say "no.” Turn away customers if they're not a good fit. It builds trust when you have standards. This is true in sales and in life.

One more piece of advice for you…

Authentic sales aren't an accident. They aren't luck.

You can choose to build and grow an authentic, enjoyable business. That's why I created Behind the Sales Email for you.

We've discovered three sales emails that embody authentic sales and deliver such reliable revenue that we use them in every launch — including this one. This Power Trio of emails is easy to use in your own business once you know how they work.

Join Behind the Sales Email and you can watch me perfect these three emails in a real funnel.

You'll learn:

  • How you can crack people's default behavior — procrastination
  • What is the best sequence for a smooth, powerful sales email?
  • What it really means to sound authentic (and the extra step we take to guarantee all of our emails hit this mark)

And so much more.

It took me years of work, studying, and expensive trial and error to perfect the Power Trio emails. They are proven, reliable, versatile, and authentic — readers love these emails and we don't have to worry about selling too hard, too soft, or hearing crickets.

Now, they can be yours, too.

Join Behind the Sales Email now

P.S. If you think you might be interested, do me a favor. Take 3 minutes to check out the product page and decide if it's right for you.

If not, no sweat, at least you made the decision instead of missing out by default.

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