IWillTeachYouToBeRich - 5 of my favorite interviews of all time

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Many of us have been in quarantine for 6 months or longer. Right now, a lot of this is about survival. How do we get our home office set up? How do we make sure our kids are learning remotely? Do we feel safe? We need to take care of all of that first.

But after that, what do we do?

When you fast forward — whether it’s two more months or a year — you want to be able to look back and say “I made an opportunity out of this. I grew, learned new skills, and took up things I always wanted to do.”

This is our chance to use this season to become happier and grow.

To help, for the first time ever, I’ve bundled up 5 of my favorite interviews of all time. Together, they are a masterclass on how to deal with failure, build new habits, and achieve greatness — all taught by 5 of the most talented people I know.

These 5+ hours of conversation — which were featured in my now-closed product, Ramit’s Brain Trust — are not currently available. But I’m opening them up until tomorrow.

I used to sell these interviews for $99 each — that’s how powerful I believe these conversations are. But this week only, I’m bundling all 5 of my favorite interviews for that price. Call it a Quarantine Makeover.

If even a nugget of wisdom from ONE of these interviews could change your life, then isn’t it worth it?

Here’s what’s included:

How to achieve greatness in your life with Jay Abraham

First, I'm including the full interview with one of my most influential mentors, Jay Abraham.

Inside, you’ll learn the same strategies that helped me double my business in one year. However, the most important things we discussed weren’t the “secrets.” Instead, you’ll see how to incorporate the real keys to growth in your business: firm leadership, a supportive community, and accountability. (This conversation is a gold mine for all top performers, even if you don't own a business.)

In this interview, you'll learn:

  • Powerful strategies to grow your business or get promoted faster than you thought possible (this is how I doubled my business in a year)
  • Why people are begging to be led — and how you can be their leader
  • The exact words to use so your coworkers, friends, and family stop taking you for granted — and deeply appreciate your special talents
  • And much more

The “magic bullet” for becoming invaluable in your job and achieving your goals with Pamela Slim

Pam Slim, author of Escape From Cubicle Nation, has been a Master Instructor in a couple of my flagship courses. Every time we talk I learn something new. She’s an expert in helping people choose where they can make the BIGGEST impact.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • When to use an entrepreneurial mindset to gain a deep understanding of your industry (even if you’re not self-employed)
  • How to become invaluable and irreplaceable at your job
  • How to study your craft and use deep learning to rapidly accelerate past your peers
  • Why getting feedback is one of the highest-leverage tools you can ever use — and how to select who to ask for feedback (Hint: it’s not always who you think)
  • The two hidden meanings of fear — and how to tell when it’s ok to push past them
  • And much more

How to deal with your fear of failure with James Altucher

James Altucher is a writer and investor. He’s been kicked out of school and ridiculed. He’s had startups fail. He’s lost tens of millions of dollars investing (not a typo). His friends have deserted him. He’s gone from “generations of money” to “absolutely broke” in a matter of weeks.

And yet, he’s come out better, stronger, wiser, and most important, happier on the other side.

In our conversation, you’ll learn:

  • Why your “goals” may be holding you back and a better way to plan your activity
  • The simple trick for dealing with your fears
  • How to provide exponential value to the people in your network (without spending a ton of time or money)
  • Why most people live in a “time machine” and how you can use this to your advantage
  • How to overcome failure and deal with shame
  • James’ 7-day challenge for changing your perspective on life
  • And much more

How to be happy for life with Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin is the author of The Happiness Project and Happier at Home, and she’s one of the sharpest minds on the psychology of happiness. I sat down with her to talk about the relationship between long-term happiness and short-term discomfort, how to create new relationships, and how to live a more joyful life.

In this interview, you'll learn:

  • How to differentiate between a real passion and "I should like _____" so you can focus on what really matters to you
  • The simple test to determine what your real joys are
  • The powerful “lie detector” that instantly demonstrates the gap between your values and your daily actions
  • The trouble with spontaneity and how it can reduce your overall happiness (plus what to do about it)
  • Gretchen's strategies for keeping work and leisure time separate so you can enjoy each, guilt-free
  • What to do when "what feels good" and "what feels right" conflict
  • The alarm you should set every day and why. (Hint: it's not to get up early)
  • And much more

How to create a habit with Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg’s Power of Habit is arguably the best book on behavioral change in modern times. And I say that as a huge nerd who’s read most of the books on behavioral change. That’s why I was thrilled to sit down with Charles for this 1-hour interview on how to control your own behavior.

In the interview, you'll learn:

  • The proven 3-step system for creating a habit that you’ll actually stick to
  • Why “trying harder” is not the answer to changing your behavior — and what actually works instead
  • How to CHANGE a bad habit (and why “quitting” a habit rarely works)
  • How to find the real, hidden reasons why we indulge in bad habits like smoking, snacking, etc. — and what to do about them
  • The “keystone habits” that, if implemented, can have a rippling effect throughout all the other areas of your life
  • And much more

Again, EACH of these interviews used to cost $99. But you can get all 5 of them for $99 until tomorrow at midnight. After that, I will not sell this collection again. Check it out now.

P.S. When we go back to our “new normal,” I’d love to look back and say, “I’m proud of myself for what I accomplished.”

If you’d like to do the same, check out the Quarantine Makeover Bundle now.

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