Do you have a "CEO Mindset"? (course closes tonight)

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Hi Reader,

Well, well, well. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Why are some people so much more productive than others?

To show you the difference, I’d like to highlight the difference between an “average mindset” and a “CEO mindset” as it applies to productivity.

For the average person, there are some basic building blocks you can put in place to boost your productivity: better sleep, better diet, better calendar, clearer priorities.

But if you’re busier than the average person, you have another option: hire an assistant.

Part time. Full time. Contract. Employee. You can choose based on your budget and what you need.

But someone who can predict what you want and simply make it happen.

My course on how you can use an assistant to save hours per week and get more done closes TONIGHT at 11:59 p.m. PT. (Join Delegate and Done now.)

Forget about how to find an assistant and how much it costs and how to manage the day-to-day. All of that is details (covered in the course).

Just imagine taking that long list of things you should do — grocery shopping, scheduling, handling emails, buying gifts, planning your travel — and just giving the least exciting tasks to someone else. Amazing.

I know, I know. Getting an assistant isn't normal. For more of us, our parents and friends don’t have assistants, so we think it’s weird for us to get one.

But a few people won’t let that stop them. They have what I like to call the CEO Mindset. You don’t need to own or run a business to have the CEO Mindset. It’s about approaching your life as a CEO and consciously deciding what you want — then finding a way to make it happen.

Let me give you a few examples comparing how an Average Person and someone with a CEO Mindset tackle common situations:

Getting an assistant

AVERAGE PERSON: I can't get an assistant. I'm not a billionaire CEO or a movie star. What would an assistant even do for me?

CEO MINDSET: Freeing up even 1-2 hours a day would have a major impact on my life. I could invest some of that extra time in critical projects at work and the rest I could spend with my friends and family, to recharge. I can test this part time for several months, at a very reasonable rate, to see if it will work for me.

INTERESTING NOTE: On just one of my twice-a-week, 30-minute calls with my assistant, we often make over 50 decisions. That’s more than one decision per minute. When you’re busy, being decisive is critical. I’ll teach you how in the course.

Saving money

AVERAGE PERSON: Cut back on lattes … then go through life tired and grumpy.

CEO MINDSET: Save, yes, but also earn more money so that the cost of lattes is irrelevant.

INTERESTING NOTE: I’ve gotten a few questions from people who say, “How much will an assistant cost?” These people never buy. They’re focused on the cost instead of the value of an assistant who can save them time on non-critical things … so they can focus on truly important areas of their life.

Downloading a new productivity app

AVERAGE PERSON: Oh, I can be 3x as effective if I use 3 different productivity apps! Look at that syncing feature!

CEO MINDSET: No productivity app will change my life. The biggest improvements will come from Big Wins (like automating my finances), getting the fundamentals right (like good food and enough sleep), and major changes (like hiring an assistant vs doing it all myself).

INTERESTING NOTE: This requires a powerful mindset change: to ask for help. At a certain point, no app is going to move the needle. But help from someone who’s good at their job will.

* * *

Take a look at where you spent your time yesterday.

Do you want to do that for the rest of your life?

How many mindless emails did you respond to? How many random one-off tasks did you spend time and attention on? Will you remember reordering paper towels 6 months from now?

And now, the more important question: What if you could delegate those things to someone who was good at them and enjoyed them — and you could “buy back” your time?

What would you do with that time?

Would you spend it on revenue-generating tasks (like performing better at work or growing your business)?

Would you spend it with your family (like giving them undivided, quality attention instead of being distracted by a random “to-do” in the back of your head)?

Or would you just do something you’ve wanted to do for a long time (like taking an online cooking class, or treating your parents to a Michelin-starred, fine dining experience)?

Most people spend most of their day running on the hamster wheel of endless emails and pointless tasks.


Be the CEO of your life and be decisive: You don’t need to do those things anymore.

This is hard because it requires changing your mindset. It’s easy to think only billionaires have assistants — but that’s not true. Everyone asks for help. Why not ask for help for the thing that’s most valuable to you: your time?

Life is short. What do you want to spend your time doing?

Last chance — Delegate and Done closes tonight

TODAY is the last day to join Delegate and Done — my course that gives you the systems, tactics, and tricks you need to find and work with a trustworthy assistant.

Join Delegate and Done now

The course closes tonight at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Everyone who joins is protected by my 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. That gives you more than enough time to go through and test the entire course before deciding if it's right for you. If not, just show me you did the work and I'll happily refund your money. I'll even eat the credit card processing fees.

I include such a strong guarantee in every course I create because I want the decision to join to be a no-brainer. Either you love the course and benefit from the material or you can get your money back — risk-free.

But you do have to take that first step.

Today is your last day. I invite you to join Delegate and Done and see for yourself.

P.S. Btw, I've included a $997 bonus in the course, free of charge. You can read about it at the bottom of this page. But here's a sneak peek:

Video from this $997 event is included in the course
— as our gift to you. Course closes tonight.

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