Happy new year! (Earnable closes tonight)

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Happy new year! Wishing you and your family peace and joy in 2021.

The new year can cause a lot of us to have powerful realizations.

I remember one of the scariest phrases my mentor ever told me:

“Enough. You have more than enough to decide.
It’s time to make a decision.” 

At that time, I was deciding between starting my own company or going to work at a big company and it was one of the scariest decisions I’d ever faced. 

When my mentor told me that, he was really telling me to stop waiting for some magical answer. I had to stop delaying and waiting for more information. I had to decide. And that’s exactly what I’m telling you today. 

Earnable, my new program on how to start a business where you can work from anywhere and be your own boss, closes TONIGHT. 

It's the only online business program proven over 15+ years, 50+ industries, and 42,000+ paying customers. 

If you're thinking about joining Earnable to earn more, be your own boss, and do what you love, this email is for you.

If you’ve realized the importance of being able to work from anywhere — and not having to go into an office if you don’t want to — then I have one request for you.

All I ask is that you take 3 minutes to read this email and make a decision. After all, making no decision is a decision. And for a select few, 6 months from now, you could be living an entirely different life. 

If you’ve ever wanted to start an online business — to take your unique skills, share them with the world, and generate ongoing revenue (even while you sleep) — I can show you how. Even if you don’t have an idea yet.

$14,591 in one day

In 2019, my wife and I took a 6-week vacation to India and Japan. We stayed at luxury hotels, ate great food, explored local architecture and design, and took lots of time to just go slow, relax, and read. We loved every minute of it.

None of us can travel right now. But this is what my business allowed me to do in good times.

And during bad times, it’s allowed me to move to safety, to provide for my team and customers, and to donate generously.

During the trip, I only brought an iPad and I committed to only working one hour a week. And yet, my business kept right on running. Here's one day's sales from my vacation:

$14,591 in one day

When the pandemic hit, many businesses were shut down or severely limited by the precautions we all needed to take. But lots of online businesses remained strong.

My business continued to run.

$18,017 in one day...during a pandemic

This is nuts. In the early days, I couldn’t even conceive of making $100, much less $10,000 in a day. Especially on a vacation day. Or a day when much of the rest of the country was shut down.

But, it also isn't surprising. I've spent years teaching thousands of people how to build work-from-home businesses that allow you to work where you want, when you want. This type of flexibility and security is exactly why I built my business the way I did — and how I teach others to do it as well.

It's humbling to me to think how close I came to not starting my business at all.

As my mentor said:

“Enough. You have more than enough to decide.
It’s time to make a decision.” 

I was scared. 

How could I start a business? I didn’t even know how to find an idea that was profitable. And even if I found one, I had no idea how to go from there...to a real business.

I was so afraid of not knowing how to launch a multimillion-dollar business that I almost didn’t launch a $5 business.

But I knew if there was one thing I could do, it was try something small. Just baby steps. 

“Start small? That’s so obvious, LOL.” But the truth is, going from $0 to $4.95 was harder than going from $100,000 to much larger numbers.

I learned that if I could sell something for $4.95 once, I could build systems to do it over and over — even while I slept. And when I multiplied it by several years, the impact (and profit) became truly staggering. $4.95 to $50 to $100 x 3 sales a week...it adds up. It’s not magic. It’s math.

I also learned something really weird about human behavior.

All of us have something in our lives that we REALLY want to do — lose weight, get a new job, start an online business, learn how to iron clothes with a crease so sharp that it cuts your face.

We talk about it with our friends, we read blog post after blog post about it, we think about it every day.

But when we get the opportunity thrust in front of us, we hesitate.

It doesn’t mean we’re stupid. It’s actually normal. But I don’t want to be normal. I don't want to live a normal life. I want to live a Rich Life. My Rich Life.

3 delusions about starting
a successful online business

1. “I don’t have an idea”
I believe that we all have something special that we’re unusually good at. If you and I talked for 20 minutes, I know I could dig it up. Maybe you can teach dogs to do tricks. Maybe you’re an Excel whiz. Or maybe your friends always come to you for amazing relationship advice.

When you say, “I don’t have an idea,” that’s really code for, “I’m waiting for a magical idea to fall down from the sky.”


Ideas don’t happen to you, you find them. Like a pig sniffing for truffles, I can show you a systematic process to “excavate” your own skills, then “test” them for profitability. In fact, Earnable includes a Playbook focused on exactly that.

Find your first profitable idea

I cannot be any clearer: Your brain will try to persuade you that there is NO idea for you to start an online business with. Listen closely. I'm New York Times best-selling author Ramit Sethi, founder of the multimillion-dollar business I Will Teach You To Be Rich, with 42,000+ paying students in nearly every country, telling you this: You CAN find a business idea and go from idea, to first profit, to a successful online business (here’s how). 

2. “It’s not the right time”
You're right. It's not ideal. But were the last 6 months? Will the next 6 months be any different?

The truth is, THERE’S NEVER A PERFECT TIME! You'll never be fully ready to get married, you’re never going to be 100% financially prepared to have kids, and you’ll never feel entirely ready to start an online business.

The most successful people don’t wait for time...they MAKE it.

And those doubts? Doubts are just the reminders that we’re on the right path. All of us battle with them. But average performers let these doubts control them. Who wants the endless drudgery of waking up, going to work, answering emails, going to sleep, and repeating...for 30 years?

I don’t accept it.

In fact, this is one of the greatest times to start an online business in the history of the world! You don’t have to wait for some gatekeeper to pluck you from obscurity. No book agent to “bless” you. You don’t have to wait to become a Ph.D. expert for 30 years and pray you make it. You don't have to wait for life to "get back to normal."

Today, you can choose yourself, go straight to the market of millions of people online, and find the audience that wants to hear from you and is delighted to pay.

You need 5 hours/week. The more you put in, the better results you’ll get.

I can show you how to make time for an online business.

3. “I’m not sure this is right for me”
I understand. It's weird to invest in yourself. It's weird to start a business. Most people don't do either of those. And today they're in the exact same spot they were last year, and the year before, and five years before that.

But thousands of people — those weird people who wanted something more than "normal" — did invest in themselves.

At a certain point, you have to admit you’re either interested in an online business...or you’re legitimately not, which is cool...or you’re looking for an excuse to do nothing. 

When I asked readers, over half of them told me they’ve been thinking about starting a business for years.


We want the freedom of an online business...we spend the time and mental energy thinking about it for years...and yet we get nowhere.

Look, admitting what you want is one of the most important skills you’ll ever develop.

Plus, you don't even need to decide today. Earnable includes a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. You can join now, take two months to go through the ENTIRE program, and then decide if it's right for you.

All you have to do now is try. To open the door.

Stop waiting for “someday.” Be decisive.

At a certain point, you have to stop reading and start DOING. You have to DECIDE to bet on yourself. Other top performers, like CEOs and professional athletes, get trainers and coaches because they know the power of investing in themselves.

Everyone who joins Earnable has their own personal, powerful reason for joining. 

I'll share some examples:

"To travel across the world"

"To cook in a state-of-the-art kitchen"

"After I built my own business, I can just go travel whenever I want"

"To take my daughter to school in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon"

"So that I won't have to do my laundry at the laundromat ever again"

"Escape the Treadmill Class"

"To travel with my family...without worrying about cost"

What does your Rich Life look like? 

Why will you join Earnable and start your own business?

You don’t need more information. It’s all in front of you.

It’s time to decide

Today — until tonight at 11:59pm Pacific — you have the opportunity to join the most comprehensive program on starting an online business ever created. One that’s proven and gives you EVERYTHING you need to start and become successful in crafting the life you deserve.

6 months from NOW, if you don't join Earnable, where will you be?

The people who don't take the leap? You’ll probably never hear anything about them.

Businesses are launched on 1 small decision. Just one.

Now it’s your turn to make a decision.

It’s so easy to claim we want more income...we want to help people...we want to live a life where we can take more than 2 weeks of vacation. Anyone can SAY that.

What are you DOING about it? 

Say YES and start building your online business today.

Or...wait. Maybe next month will be better, I guess.

I'm here to help, and I won’t accept failure. I’ve been here, every week, since 2004, and I’m not going anywhere. I know you can live a Rich Life and I insist on showing you how it’s possible. I’ve already helped millions do it. Now I want to help you.

A year from now, you’re going to be a year older, Reader.

5 years from now, you could look back at this as one of the most significant decisions you ever made...or it might just be another ho-hum day.

Join Earnable before 11:59pm Pacific tonight

I look forward to reading your "Why I joined Earnable" email.

P.S. Is this the right time to start a business?

Someone wrote me, telling me that she’d been following me for years, thinking about starting a business, but “now it all seems so foolish. Who cares about logos right now?” 

I said, “To you it seems foolish, but if someone needs a logo right now, that’s serious to them.”

Starting a business isn’t foolish. And though the news is correctly describing how bad the economy can get, we should remember that there are many, many people who need help — and are willing to pay for it.

More importantly, it’s time to put yourself first and create — and control — your income. If you’ve followed my frameworks for savings and investing, maybe it’s time to create your own income.

Earnable closes TONIGHT. Here’s the link to see for yourself: Join Earnable now.

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