Millennial runs for UN chief, Hawaiian film on gender fluidity, Climate associate at B Team

Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource!
Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. 

Who is Arora Akanksha, the 34-year-old running for U.N. Secretary General? The United Nations auditor, with no diplomatic experience, has declared her candidacy for secretary general โ€” an audacious bid to shake up an organization that she says badly needs it. > Full Story

"Not your bitch" โ€“ campaign against sexist dictionaries moves to Italy: Public figures from writers to lawmakers have launched a campaign to change a leading Italian dictionary's sexist definition of a woman, which currently includes 30 different synonyms with negative connotations like "puttana" (whore) and "cagna" (bitch). > Full Story

European Commission plans to roll out proposal to enforce rules on gender pay gap: The idea is to give employees access to pay information broken down by type of work and employeesโ€™ sex to empower workers and force employers to redress unwarranted pay differences for comparable jobs. >  Full Story

Whether you're applying to a new job, embarking on a new project, or could really just use a few empowering minutes, set aside some time to listen to this fantastic 10-minute confidence meditation

North America 
Media-Remote-Editorial intern, The Nation
Politics-Remote-Events manager, Run for Something
NGO-Remote-Social media intern, Birthright Africa
Marketing-Remote-Multiple interns, Rising Tide
Space-Remote-Sustainability intern, Secure World 
Ed-Remote-Race/ethnicity fellows, Brown Uni
International Affairs-DC-Policy fellow, Foreign Policy
NGO-DC-Philanthropic associate, NWLC
NGO-NY-Organizer, Common Justice 
NGO-NY-Comms intern, UNHCR
NGO-Ottawa-Partnerships, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples 
NGO-Toronto-Youth engagement facilitator, OFIFC
NGO-Toronto-Policy analyst, OFIFC
NGO-Toronto-Admin assistant, OFIFC
NGO-Montreal-Comms assistant, Imagine Canada
Ed-Ottawa-Curriculum specialist, Indigenous Initiatives
NGO-Ottawa-Comms officer (young entrepreneurs), UN
Marketing-Vancouver-Video content creator, Hootsuite
NGO-Markham-Multiple internships, Tearfund

Ed-Research associate, Perret Laver
NGO-Istanbul-Comms intern, SPARK
NGO-Phnom Penh-Country director, CARE 
International Affairs-Signapore-Research intern, IISS
Think Tank-Beijing-Intern, Center for Int. Peace

Middle East
Ed-Cairo-Global affairs fellowship, American Uni Cairo
NGO-Cairo-Refugee resettlement legal officer, StARS
Philanthropy-Cairo-Program officer, Ford Foundation
NGO-Remote-Translator, Arab Foundation Equality
NGO-Remote-Comms coordinator, Arab Foundation Equality
NGO-Erbil-Education assistant, Save the Children

Philanthropy-Movement building coordinator, Astrea
NGO-Monrovia-Program manager, Gola Rainforest Program
NGO-Kalemie-Gender and protection adviser, Concern
NGO-Multiple locations-University interns, Art in Tanzania 
NGO-Remote-Innovation associate, One Acre Fund
NGO-Zomba-Innovation associate, One Acre Fund

Think Tank-Project assistant, Connecting Europe
-Gent-Jr business developer, Too Good To Go
Think Tank-Brussels/Maastricht-Comms officer, ECDPM
-Paris-Social media associate, UNESCO
NGO-Milan-Data analyst, Actionaid
-Sarajevo-Data editor, OCCRP
-Lisboa-Partnerships, Too Good To Go
Environment-Lisboa-Graphic designer, Too Good To Go
-Geneva-Program officer (gender Identity,
sex characteristics, intersex), ILGA
-Barcelona-Sales intern, Too Good To Go
NGO-Remote-PM intern, Let's Reinvent
NGO-Remote-Comms officer, War on Want
NGO-London-Comms officer, Medical Aid Palestinians
NGO-Birmingham-Web/creative manager, Islamic Relief 

Latin America
Philanthropy-Program officer, Astrea 
NGO- LAC regional comms support, Girls not Brides
-Remote-Design intern, Ciudadanos por una Causa
Brasรญlia-Admin assistants, UN Women
Civic Org-Sao Paulo-Comms/media partner, Ashoka
NGO-Port of Caribbean adviser, IPPF
NGO-Bogotรก-Americas adviser, IPPF

freelance & career growth
NGO-Media monitoring (Chinese required), ILGA  
NGO-Research consultancy sex characteristics
legislation/caselaw, ILGA
NGO-Manager (building feminist economies), AWID
Civic Org-Climate associate (right to work
in US/UK required), B Team
NGO-Organizational facilitator, Fearless Futures
NGO-Zambia agroforestry associate, One Acre Fund
Tech-Full-stack engineer, Center Effective Altruism 
International Affairs-Intern, US/China Relations Committee
Media-Lead comms specialist (sustainability), Wikimedia
Tech-Community intern (summer 2021), Reddit
Film-Submissions are open for creative social justice
storytellers between 18-30 yrs old, Generation Equality Festival

๐Ÿ’กto learn 

How do historical and on-going policies and practices that discriminate against African Americans lead to present-day inequality in United States? Download this free report from Harvard Business School to learn about topics including slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, "black codes," and policies and practices relating to criminal justice, housing, and education.

A great online course on Artificial Intelligence from the very basics of what AI is, to the more technical  algorithms that make creating AI methods possible. 

Chloe Zhao, director of Nomadland, became the first female China-born person to win the Golden Globes for best director and best picture! Watch a fascinating NYTimes anatomy of a scene with Chloe Zhao where she narrates a scene from the film, discussing her work to make these moments feel improvised, even though they were written and carefully staged.

Someone asked Lizzo in an IG Live "how she deals with being obese"- her response was hilarious.  

A beautiful short Hawaiian film Kapaemahu tells the story of four beings of androgynous and ambiguous spirit that arrived in Hawaii. They were strangers but quickly grew beloved by the local population for their prowess at healing, which was prodigious, due to their ability to access both their masculine and feminine sides within themselves. 

Interviewing the world's most famous drag queen.

We tell girls a simple story: get your period around 12, deal with some pain. Then more periods. Then around 50 the body is meant to politely retire. But itโ€™s never that simple. The unseen, unspoken stories of periods, vulvas and wombs are so much more complex โ€“ and that's exactly what's beautifully portrayed in this mesmerizing video "wombstories."  

At just 10 years old, Jazzy Guerra @jazzysworldtv is one of the youngest journalists on social media โ€“ she's a fantastic interviewer and has spoken with some big names like LeBron James, 50 cent, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

Tomorrow is International Women's Day!!!! For the occasion, we've found 3 special "off the beaten path" events taking place. Each event represents a unique intersection often under-explored in mainstream feminism, and we're excited to attend the events with you in the hopes of continuing to strengthen our activism and understanding of intersectional feminism. 

8 March 
Policymakers and experts from around the world come together for IWD to examine the interrelationship between gender equality and climate action, and highlight innovative examples of policy and practice.  Speakers include Sonika Manandhar, Nepali computer engineer, social entrepreneur + UN young champion of the earth, Oladosu Adenike, Nigerian ecofeminist, and Zohra Moosa, executive Director of Mama Cash. 
9 March

Women, trans, and gender-nonconforming people who use drugs and are engaged in illicit drug economies have largely been left out of broader feminist movements. New movements led by women who use drugs, prison abolitionists, women coca farmers, women opium growers, and others are seeking to bring down the walls separating drug policy reform and feminist movements, proving that building solidarity between these movements ultimately strengthens them both. The Feminist Drug Policy Realities event explores why drug policies centered on the experiences of women and gender diverse people are important to imagining and creating feminist realities.

13 March
A virtual event on abolition and transformative justice in order to better support survivors of violence, organized by Sistah Circle, a Black African feminist collective in Rwanda. 
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The Bloom
45 W 67th Street, New York, NY 10023 
Copyright ยฉ 2021 Jasmine Anouna, all rights reserved.

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