How to handle pivotal moments (Dream Job closes at midnight)

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OK, let's get this out of the way: Yes, I'm going to try to convince you to join the Find Your Dream Job program today, before I close it tonight. If you think you can resist my incredible ninja marketing powers, read on... 

...This is the one and only time I'm going to hard sell you on Dream Job. Hear me out. If you still decide not to join, I respect that.

* * *

“My boss won’t give me a raise. What should I say?”

I was talking to one of my students, a mid-career woman who’d been working at the same company for 5+ years. She wasn’t getting a raise or a promotion, and when she’d talk to her boss, there was always a reason:

  • “It’s not the right time”
  • “I can’t give it to you because I’d have to give it to everyone”
  • “Not this year. But hopefully next year”

I asked her what she should be making based on her skills and research. She told me a number that was significantly higher than her current salary.

I took a look at her and said, “You’ve been doing this dance for 5 years. Asking and asking and getting told no. Do you think anything’s really going to change?”

She immediately launched into a long response: “Well, it’s really frustrating becau—”

I asked her again. “Do you think anything’s going to change?”

She finally looked up. “No.”

I asked her what she thought she should do.

She already knew. We always know. “I need to make a move.”

You can watch life-changing insights like this actually happening. They’re in our Find Your Dream Job program.

Thinking about that conversation, it occurred to me how few people are really, truly honest with us. Of course we have friends who support us, and that's important. But when was the last time someone held us accountable? When was the last time someone listened to our excuses, paused, and just shook their head, saying, "You know the answer. What do you need to do?”

For many of us, it's been years — sometimes decades — since someone truly guided us in the right direction. Someone who watched over us, let us make mistakes, but always gently pointed when we were making excuses and rationalizations. Someone who held us to a higher standard. Someone who supported us in the way we wanted, but would step in and give us the tough love we needed. Someone who was almost like an older sibling to us. 

So, when this student started to go back to her reasons and rationalizations (people who have problems love to talk about their problems), I firmly brought her back to solutions. And seeing her acknowledge the truth — a truth she’s known for years, but hasn’t admitted until our conversation — I took it as an enormous compliment that I can be supportive, yet also honest, and tell you what you WANT as well as what you NEED. 

Getting even one piece of honest feedback, one insight, can change our lives forever. 

One insight that gives us the exact, word-for-word script to handle that nagging conversation we've been struggling with. 

One insight that deconstructs precisely how top performers handle a particular situation...then teaches us the step-by-step way to implement it. 

One insight that shows us a flash of what we can achieve. 

I call these..."Pivotal Moments."

Introducing Pivotal Moments

There's a reason I've been emailing you so much this week. 

See, we all have Pivotal Moments in our lives. Some of them are obvious: 

  • Getting into college
  • Graduating
  • Getting our first job
  • Starting a new decade (your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s…)
  • Getting married
  • Becoming parents

These moments have the power to shape our lives forever. 

There are quieter moments that can be just as powerful, but we often miss them:

  • You or your partner suddenly get laid off — how are you going to make ends meet now?
  • You have your annual review and once again: no raise, no promotion, no new skills. You realize your career has hit a dead end.
  • You get a new boss...and they're terrible. Now the job you used to love has become intolerable. But you don’t have the skills or role models in your life to know exactly what to say and how to navigate this.
  • You scroll through social media, look at pics of your friends' lives and houses and wonder — how do they do it? What do they have that you don’t? Then you start making excuses: It must be family money. They must be up to their eyeballs in debt. That fleeting thought of how you could also live your dream life is extinguished with great relief.
  • One day you look up and realize you're just bored at work. How long has it been since you were excited on a Sunday night when thinking about Monday?

Each one of these is a Pivotal Moment, too.

Each is an open door. A chance for you to reevaluate where you are and where you want to be. A chance to course-correct and once again start building the Rich Life you want.

Yet over time, these Pivotal Moments become fewer and farther between.

Early in our lives, these moments happen by default. We kept showing up to class? We graduate! But as life goes on, those "just happen" moments become rarer. Our opportunities to stop, to notice that our life isn't going the way we want, and to make a change all start to dry up.

It becomes up to us to create our own Pivotal Moments. No wonder so many people become paralyzed by uncertainty. We were never taught how to do this. 

But there are Pivotal Moments that we can actually SEIZE...that we can actually CAUSE to happen. 

Today is a Pivotal Moment for you. 

For some of you, you'll get an email from me, unlocking the full Find Your Dream Job program. You'll start learning some of my most sophisticated material ever created on finding a job, improving your career, and earning more — material that will never be available to the general public.

Within one hour of diving in, you'll learn insights about yourself you'd never realized. You'll begin down a journey of discovering yourself, your Dream Job, and how to take control of your life. 

For others, it'll be decidedly different. They'll go back to their old lives. They'll look at the tactics they've gotten from my free material and wonder...what should I do next? They might try to find a better job on their own — and if they do, I'll be thrilled! — but as we know, human nature is a fickle beast: For many, without an ongoing system, the motivation they feel will inevitably wear off. Old patterns. Old lives. 

Isn't it funny that we get so excited about new ways of doing something … we start reading different sites, different blogs … but when confronted with a real, trustworthy opportunity to help us, we don't act? What do we do instead? We keep struggling with what's never worked. 

People with problems love to talk about their problems. 

But people who solve their problems seek out solutions.

It's not just that we're lazy. We have powerful, deep invisible scripts that hold us back from taking action — even on things we genuinely want to do! 

We say, "I'll try harder this year!" But don't we say that every year? 

The "code words" behind 3 of our psychological barriers

Not only do we use the same phrases, year after year, but we fail to ever understand the "code words" behind these phrases. Let me show you.

1. "I don't know what my Dream Job is"

This is a perfectly reasonable comment — few of us know what our actual Dream Job is — but there is something more sinister behind this phrase. 

"I don't know what my Dream Job is" is actually code for: "I'm waiting for my Dream Job to fall out of the sky for me." 

Deep down, we believe that not knowing what our Dream Job is gets us off the if someone is just going to walk up to us and hand it to us. 

Why would they? Why SHOULD you "get" your Dream Job over anyone else who's sitting around waiting for it to fall from the sky? 

Here's the truth: You DISCOVER a Dream Job, you don't just "find" it under a rock. You do the challenging work of self-discovery, testing, and yes, even failure, to discover your Dream Job. It's a skill that you can learn — just like learning to ride a bike. And the best part is that there is a system for doing it well, proven for more than 10 years and THOUSANDS of students before you

Look, I don't blame you for not knowing what your Dream Job is. Few of us do. But every step you make should be systematically moving you closer to discovering it — or what are we doing with our lives?

2. "I'm not ready for this yet" or "I just need to figure it out"

Of course there's never a "right time" to jump into something that makes us uncomfortable: 

  • There's never a right time to have a baby 
  • Never a right time to start investing 
  • Never a right time to learn the inside skills and techniques to finding your Dream Job 

Sometimes, you have to jump into an area you don't feel ready for. You do your homework, of course, but you know that you'll never have 100% of the information you need. You make an informed decision...and then you take a risk. 

Top performers do this all the time. Do they make mistakes? Of course. But they know that trying something is better than the whiners who wait around to have "all the information"...and wait, and wait, while the world passes them by

It's not about more information. How many people will keep jumping from blog to blog, book to book, always consuming information but never applying it to their lives? How many people will wait for the "perfect time," never acknowledging that there's never been a perfect time (and there never will be)? 

Top performers make decisions with limited information. They take risks. They start building their skills and network NOW so that when they DO need it, they're ready. 

If they're wrong, so be it — but at least they made a move.

3. "I'm not sure this is right for me"

What this code word actually means: "I don't know if this course is exactly perfect for someone in my EXACT AND SPECIFIC SITUATION, so therefore I am going to wait until something magical is created for EXACTLY ME...and until then, I'm going to do nothing." 

There will never be a career course created for your exact, personal, born-in-LA-but-went-to-school-in-Portland-then-studied-economics-and-now-working-in-marketing situation. 

But you do have an option: I've tested Find Your Dream Job against the TOUGHEST CANDIDATES on earth:

  • Senior managers at Fortune 500 companies
  • New college graduates with close to 0 functional skills
  • Job hoppers
  • People who want to work remotely
  • People seeking jobs during a recession and a pandemic
  • Students from countries around the world
  • Working parents who need to earn more but have no time
  • People who've been fired or laid off
  • Introverts & extroverts
  • Creatives
  • Engineers & other technical professionals
  • Management
  • People who want new roles in new industries

Over the past 10 years, we've tested Find Your Dream Job over and over, trying to find weaknesses, cracks, holes in the system. And when we found them, we patched them, then we tested again. 

Now we've taken everything we've learned after THOUSANDS of students and completely rebuilt and expanded Find Your Dream Job

In Find Your Dream Job, we’ll show you how to:

  • Discover what your Dream Job actually is
  • Find the perfect role at the perfect company — tailor-made for your interests, lifestyle, and career goals
  • "Skip the line" and get backdoor referrals and unannounced jobs
  • Nail every interview
  • Ask for more money or remote work — or both — and get it


Imagine being a fly on the wall during a private conversation between hiring managers.

  • What do they really look for in a resume or interview?
  • What types of networking are appreciated vs instant turn-offs?
  • What are they really thinking if a candidate asks for more money?

You’ve never seen these hiring manager “confessions” ... because nobody’s convinced hiring managers to open up and share their hiring secrets. Until now.

We brought in actual hiring managers to ask them what they wish job seekers knew about job descriptions, interviewing, networking, negotiation, applications, and standing out against the competition.


Careers aren't one-size-fits-all. And neither is Find Your Dream Job.

This program shows you exactly how to adapt the Dream Job System to whatever season your career is in.

  • Ready to GROW? We'll show you how to earn more money and more opportunities to grow your skills and get promoted. Fast-track your Rich Life.
  • Ready for FLEXIBILITY? We'll show you how to find a job that pays you well — but gives you a flexible lifestyle so you can travel, work remotely, spend time with your children, or always be home in time for dinner. 
  • Ready to REINVENT yourself? We'll show you how to make a major change in your career — with detailed examples of exactly how others did it. Switch industries, move across the country, or change jobs. 


Introducing our detailed Find Your Dream Job Playbooks, with done-for-you templates, word-for-word email and negotiation scripts, hands-on tactics, and deep psychological insights.

Instead of giving you a few generic tips about writing a resume, we’ll break down exactly what separates stunning resumes from ho-hum ones — with before-and-after examples.

To help you negotiate for more money, we will give you word-for-word responses to any objections you might face — already tested and perfected by thousands of students.

These Playbooks are only available in Find Your Dream Job.


We brought in real job seekers so you can watch their transformations in front of your eyes.

  • Interview questions
  • Job hoppers
  • Even real-life salary negotiations — all captured on video for you


What does a resume that lands a 6-figure job ACTUALLY look like?

What does a cover letter that grabs a VIP at a name-brand company ACTUALLY look like?

What does a proposal that leads to a $10,000 raise ACTUALLY look like?

Have you ever seen one?

THOUSANDS of students have used Find Your Dream Job to land amazing jobs, connect with VIPs, and negotiate major raises and remote work. And they didn't do it by copying generic resume templates online.

Find Your Dream Job comes with an all-new Success Vault packed with REAL resumes, REAL cover letters, and REAL proposals that landed students Dream Jobs, amazing raises, and enviable perks.

Bottom line?

A job you love is one of the pillars of a Rich Life.

Are you ready to find yours?

Of course you'll have to apply the material to your own individual situation. But I give you the exact tools to do that. And the results can be tremendous. 

Think about an airplane flying from Los Angeles to New York. If it's off by even a few degrees, where does it end up? The ocean! Over long periods of time (or distance), small changes make a huge impact. 

So if you learn even ONE insight in the Find Your Dream Job course — just one — and multiply it over 40 years, imagine the massive results you'll get. Just one phrase to use in interviews. One body-language tactic to use in meetings. One response to that nagging question you're never sure how to answer. 

I actually expect you to walk away with a lifetime of insights. But even one insight can change the game for you. 

And don't take my word for it.

What others say about Dream Job

Here are career success stories from people who, just like you, once stood in this exact same spot and made the decision to invest in themselves. 

Their results aren't magic. They're the predictable result of following the Dream Job System...

  • “I used the negotiating techniques in the course to again get my new Dream Job and again, get a $40K increase!” –Megha Aggarwal
  • “I went from 40k/year wondering how to get ahead, to starting at 48k, a year later at 56k, 6 months after that 75k, a year after that 85k, then 100k, now at 125k doing work I love at a high level for a team I love working with. I can't thank Ramit enough and Dream Job for making it happen.” –John O'Connor
  • “I used Dream Job to find a better, higher paying job and [have] done so over and over again.” –Matt Medeiros
  • “I just took a new job this year and in April my Annual Salary increase amounted to 152k.” –Arthur S.
  • "Thanks to the techniques from your modules and also remaining open to serendipity, I was offered an opportunity earlier this week at an advising firm. It worked! What a difference it makes after going through the trough of failure!” –Stephen Gibson
  • “I set a ‘stretch’ goal for myself…make $50k a year. In my mind, that was A LOT of money...A few months later I got a job! Making $60k a year. I followed your advice and negotiated my salary. Three months later I was promoted and paid $80k a year.” –Hannah Haringer
  • “Current compensation is $150k base salary + commission. When I first negotiated my salary in 2012 using Dream Job techniques, I managed to increase my compensation from $60k to $85k. So yes, I'm making 250% of what I made when I first started the program." –Jonathan Vaudreuil
  • "Nearly doubled my salary in 2 years by natural networking and changing jobs." –Simion Belea
  • "The coffee meeting strategies got me a surprise interview for a job that I wasn't even looking for, but I also got to use that as leverage to negotiate a $4k raise with my boss, plus a $1200/month side gig for another department who asked my boss if they could ‘borrow’ my skillset and hire me to help them." –Alex Alviar
  • “I was laid off from a tech startup in January 2019….Fortunately, I had taken the Dream Job course years earlier. First I identified my dream company, one of the largest tech organizations in the world. Then, to make myself stand-out, I knew I would have to have a bulletproof portfolio….At the end of the day, I was offered a job at one of the most prestigious tech companies in the world with a competitive salary, 2 year bonus package, and stock options. None of this would have happened without the Dream Job and IWT material.” –James M.
  • “I have doubled my salary in the last five years. I went from getting a new job making $52k to my current role which is now just above $100k.” –Robert Ward
  • I started the Dream Job program and it was one of the best decisions of my life. The resources enabled me to find more companies, network with them in a non-sleazy way, and prepare myself to nail the interviews….I got a job working in the data department of a payment company and loved it. Coming to work became exciting again." –Oswin Frans
  • With Dream Job I realized how invaluable having a system is. It keeps you on track, moves you along, and you can pin down exactly what is working and what is not. You don't have to spend too much time worrying about why you haven't landed a job yet, you just move on to the next step.” –Elaine Yu
  • “During the height of the pandemic, I accepted a new job offer with a $50k salary increase as well as a handsome equity package.” –Monica Galvan


Today you have a choice: 

If you choose to join Find Your Dream Job — if you choose to take a risk and put your trust in my Dream Job System and the THOUSANDS who have come before you — the door is still open. Until midnight tonight. can go back to the same way it's always been. The few who don't join will wonder what the Find Your Dream Job students are doing. ("I wonder what they're learning today...?") 

They'll realize that they don't know how to piece together a series of unconnected and incomplete tactics into clear action steps. 

When you ask them, "What are you doing on Monday to find your Dream Job?" they'll stare blankly, having no answer. They'll watch as others pass them by. 

If you take action today, a year from now, you'll look back on your decision and know that YOU turned your life around today. You'll join thousands who've decided to seize control of their lives to find their Dream Job. 

For some, after today, they'll go back to their old lives — to wait for more information, to read more blogs, to try to "figure it out" wonder why they can't live the lives they've always wanted. 

For others, they can never go back. They've taken the first step to an extraordinary career, and they're ready to create their own Pivotal Moments...for the rest of their lives.

Which will you be?

Find Your Dream Job closes TONIGHT at 11:59pm Pacific.

Join Find Your Dream Job now

As my parents always say, "A year from now, you're going to be a year older. What are you going to do?"

P.S. You can read more Find Your Dream Job success stories, see everything that's included in the program, and learn more about the risk-free, 100% money-back guarantee here.

I hope to see you inside.

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