Recruiting Brainfood for the week ahead - Issue #278

Hung Lee
Hung Lee
Brainfood Jobs: sees the first of the 100 Tigers take advantage of the deal. Shopify, OLX, McKinsey, WeAreKeen, Join Talent and many others now on board. Habito, Kinsta, Hive, OntheBlock….also now posting on the board. Expect more recruiter / HR jobs posted here every day for 2022. Check out the full list here, and if you’re hiring, post jobs here.
Brainfood Live, Ep142: How to Know A Good Recruiter
What is the best framework for assessing a recruiter for your team? We need to get better at this because if we want to grow the industry, we need better ways to assess for our own. Friday 11th Feb, 2pm GMT - register here!
Special thanks this week to: Martyn Redstone, Christian Payne, Achyut Menon, Kevin Green, James Osborne, Eugène van den Hemel, Garry Turner, Colin Donnery, Vanessa Raath, Jon Hull, Bob Lehto, James Ellis, Oonagh Clarke, Ross Clennett, Hannah Keep, Colleen Carmichael, Anastasiia Holub, Zichuan Lim, Vismit Chawla, Jake Lewicki, Megan Petty, Tami Mavity, Bas van de Haterd, Maria Culbertson, Juliette Rouquet, Ariana Moon and Rob Kelly for your public support of all things brainfood - essential for keeping this show on the road.!
Scores updated on the Brainfood Hall of Fame - check it!
Can you help? Simply share this link on a LinkedIn status update and recommend it to your network - it’s the best way to keep the growing the brainfood community.

Join Talent
The Brainfood
Why is LinkedIn So Cringe?
Hiring List Template
Career Advice Nobody Gave Me: Never Ignore A Recruiter
Learn & Test DMARC
LinkedIn Audio (Beta) Has Finally Arrived ..and I Broke It.
There Is a Much Larger Problem Than the Great Resignation. No One Wants to Talk About It
Most Recruited Position in 2021: Recruiters!
What Is The Perfect Diversity Mix for Your Company?
A (Revised) Radical New Model for Recruiting
"This is a really, really, really awful look for Denver. These are from Flores's lawsuit against the NFL.… "
Jobs on the Rise 2022
27 Post Pandemic HR Predictions
The New Hire Who Showed Up Is Not The Same Person We Interviewed
Top 14 Most Competitive Employee Benefits in Australia for 2022
Using People Analytics to Build an Equitable Workplace
Who's Talking?
Still So Many Ways to Attract Good Candidates
Challenges for Levelling Up
Inclusive Hiring
End notes
I’m still in London folks, and, well, at least the weather seems to be getting better. Increase in sunshine is always my natural timer to get into shape, so now that I have finally finished all the Christmas chocolates people kept sending me, I’m ready for the task at hand. Are you ready? I am ready.
DM me on twitter or Instagram or TikTok if you have any inspiration to share. Oh and if you want to waste some time contemplating the state of today’s internet, try this cookie consent speed run - it’s probably the Olympic sport of our time.
Have a great week everybody. 
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Hung Lee
Hung Lee @hunglee

It's recruiting brainfood for the week ahead

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