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The similarities between poker and business
Tony Hsieh was beloved in the tech space, and I count myself among the great number of people who admired him. Hiten's Pick How to Think for Yourself You've got to love a good Paul Graham essay
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Build products that solve real problems
Every startup would benefit from this framework that helps you focus on underlying customer motivations and struggles instead of product features. Hiten's Pick 7 Cognitive Biases That Make Us Suck
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How to be creative under a deadline
Tight deadlines hinder creativity, but perhaps surprisingly, so do mild ones. The trick to being creative is setting moderate deadlines—here's how. Hiten's Pick How to Be Creative Under a
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What an executive does all day
You won't look at executives the same way after reading this one. Hiten's Pick The Joys of Being a Stoic I've long been fascinated by stoicism, and lately, many others have taken an
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How to make Twitter more useful
Check out this two-minute video on how to organize your TweetDeck to make Twitter more useful given your interests and business needs. Hiten's Pick How to Make Twitter More Useful Julian Shapiro
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How Apple is organized for innovation
Apple still uses the same organizational structure today as it did back in the 90s, despite being almost 40 times as large in terms of revenue. Hiten's Pick The Early Work Paul Graham recently
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How to say no
If you find it difficult to say no, these 31 templates can help you get better at it. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick The Unspoken Hard Bits of Bootstrapping Geoff Roberts says
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What working at Stripe is like
I love personal writing like this. It feels honest, descriptive, and as a result, genuinely informative. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Fast Growth vs. Slow Growth Elizabeth
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How to become great at sales
A new engineering-centric entrepreneur recently posted a question on Hacker News about where to start with learning how to sell. The thread blew up. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's
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A few rules
This list of startup "rules" is thought provoking. I don't agree with all of it, but there are a handful that I subscribe to wholeheartedly. The Weekly Habit from
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startup = growth
Growth should be the compass you use to inform and guide almost every decision you make. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick The 10x Advantage of Starting a Company Right Now One
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How Basecamp works without roadmaps
Basecamp doesn't use roadmaps—and here's why. Do you think your team would work more effectively without them? The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Building Breakthroughs: A
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How to make your business recession-proof
If you're building a company and you only read one thing this week, let it be this recession-proof playbook. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick The Recession-Proof Playbook
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One of the fastest growing SaaS companies is about to IPO
It's the second fastest growing SaaS company ever at IPO and is projected to go public at $26-30 billion. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Why Is Everyone Meditating? Lately
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Why are CEOs failing software engineers?
Nearly everything you are taught as a business major or leader is incompatible with software engineering. Here's why. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Why Are CEOs Failing
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How to find anything on the Internet
I've been using these types of tips forever and I still learned a couple new ones. I think you will, too. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick How to Find Anything on the
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Quieting the inner critic
My FYI co-founder Marie shares her thoughts on taking risks and quieting your inner critic. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick Quieting the Inner Critic My FYI co-founder Marie
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Instagram’s secret moves
It was brilliant. In one tiny move Instagram secretly started competing with Pinterest. Here's how it all went down... It was brilliant. In one tiny move Instagram secretly started competing with
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How remote work impacts trust
Trusting your team is critically important—not just for doing good work, but for being satisfied at work. Is remote work impacting that? The Weekly Habit from Hiten's Pick How to
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The best content library for high output founders
There is so much content on the internet for founders, it's hard to know what's actually worth reading. This is a great starting to point. The Weekly Habit from Hiten's