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12/22/2022 1:14:26 PM

Content as a growth loop

TODAY'S HOST Ognjen Boskovic, Growth Lead at CXL Content can be a great growth loop. Most of the time, it ain't. Here's how you can turn content into a loop: User generated content Classic
12/16/2022 9:04:56 AM

Execution over data (+ juicy holiday offer)

TODAY'S HOST Merritt Aho, CEO at CXL I worked as a CRO for 11 years. As a CRO, I cared an awful lot about statistics. About the many, many ways one could misuse them. About the difference between
12/29/2022 1:24:34 PM

Experimentation is not just CRO

TODAY'S HOST Ognjen Boskovic, Growth Lead at CXL It seems like experimentation is finally going mainstream. For the longest time, it was mostly... 'a well kept secret' to success in big