Trevor McKendrick - Cadavers & Banknotes

Lots of great stuff this week - I hope you enjoy it.


My Saturday fun project: using AI, every US president as a Pixar character. (tweet)
How much is a Pulitzer Prize worth? (article)

I had always wondered how many copies Pulitzer Prize winners of main categories sell… now I know!

It is… not a lot.

Gitlab Acquisition Process (article)

Gitlab is famous for publishing their internal manual of operations. Whether the actual manual makes a big different internally I don’t know, BUT I think the fact that it exists & is publicly available is evidence of the extremely high discipline required to start & run a startup 100% remotely.

And w/r/t the actual link I posted… how often do you see public companies’ thoughts on their acquisition process? Thank you Gitlab!

One day we will vanish and our problems with vanish with us (twitter thread)

“One day we will vanish and our problems will vanish with us.

Problems are a feature, not a bug.

Problems are for the living, not for the dead. Problems are an excellent indicator that you are alive.

The state of no problems, is the state of death.”

A quick reminder you will always have problems, and that that is good.

See also Sam Harris’ 5 minute thoughts on the meaning we get in life from solving problems (free audio)

California Lotto Winners’ Handbook (pdf)

This is depressing & amazing.

Y Combinator Summer Founders Program(article)

The original post from Paul Graham and the YC founders about the first batch for YC (way back when it was in Cambridge).

What it's like to dissect a cadaver (article)

An extremely curious person w/ a lack of medical background dissects a cadaver(!)

Some highlights:

“Cancer can turn your guts and lungs green, and it's this horrible bright moldy green. Metastasized tissue is hard but ultimately crumbly like overcooked chicken liver. The stomach and intestines have textures reminiscent of damp cardboard, but they're dry to the touch.”

“Fat is grease, so it's greasy. This will become visceral (and you will never perceive the word "visceral" the same way again) real fast, since it's everywhere, in little flecks. Marbling isn't just for steak. It's sort of yellow and gets on everything.”

“If you exercise, we'll know. Their insides just look different. "It's who you are inside that matters" is a much creepier sentence now.”

There are two kinds of people in the world (article)

An ode to the people who try to build new things.

Garry Tan(tweet)

“Some people spend their entire life trying to blend in with the acceptable beta of a McKinsey Powerpoint deck, cover your bases”

What true fact most blows your mind (twitter thread)

Great thread of exactly what it says.

One of my favorites:

“From the outside, it looks like if you feed earth photons for a few billion years it starts to emit spacecraft.”

How to sell yourself, from The Great CEO Within (book)

A pattern to use:

  • Credit: "It could not have happened without (name the others involved)”
  • Hard work: "We had to put in so much to make it happen, for

    example, $HARD_WORK

  • Vulnerability: "It was most difficult for me when…”
  • Duty: "We were driven by our dream to $NOBLE_MOTIVE."
  • Gratitude: "I am so proud and thankful that.”
Ukraine unveils banknote for anniversary of Russian Invasion (article)

Bad ass!

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