💰 how to realistically make $9,980 THIS weekend
Someone recently shared that Google is shutting down all websites made with Google Business Profiles.
Effectively every "business.site" domain will be REMOVED from the internet entirely as of March of this year.
That's a big deal for loads of businesses who rely on Google Business Profiles to host their company's website.
And there's urgency.
Which means OPPORTUNITY.
Here's exactly how I'd go about making $9,980 this weekend...
Warning: I can be a bit old fashioned when it comes to these types of opportunities.
Which is odd for someone who has been working in the tech world for well over a decade now.
Most people would tell you to scrape a bunch of data in order to capitalize on this opportunity.
Scrape the all "business.site" domains.
Scrape the corresponding company info.
Pull it all into a .csv file.
Mass email them, etc.
But in the end your data is likely to be incredibly low quality, and 95+% will be entirely wasted outreach.
I want a highly targeted list, with a high probability of conversion.
So here's what I'd do instead...
Step 1: Advanced Search
Go to Google Advanced Search.
Step 2: Set your parameters
Enter the following parameters:
- language: English
- region: United States
- last update: past year
- site or domain: .business.site
- terms appearing: anywhere in the page
- file type: any format
- usage rights: not filtered by license
I also added this to the "all these words" parameter: "Massachusetts" (you can replace this with the state/county/country etc that you live in).
The region filter doesn't do the best job weeding out sites from India, Malaysia, etc. so by putting in a specific state, the odds of getting an actual local US business improve greatly.
Now click Advanced Search.
The result will be pages and pages of business.site domains.
Step 3: Pour yourself a glass of wine
Time to start digging through the results, one-by-one.
What you're looking for are buisness.site domains that DON'T have a dedicated website yet.
How do you know whether or not they have a dedicated site?
You Google it.
Tedious, I know.
But in my opinion, this results in a much higher quality list.
I found the following buisness.site domain: https://whitemountainbagel.business.site/
When I Google "White Mountain Bagel Co", here's what I find:
The first result, https://whitemtnbagel.com/, redirects to the business.site website, and the rest of the results on the first few pages of Google show that this business DOES NOT have another, dedicated company website.
Step 4: Get their contact info
Now it's time to collect the businesses contact details.
This can be a bit of a pain because buisness.site websites only include the company phone number.
I prefer to start with an email introduction.
Maybe you'd have better luck calling?
But that's not really my style, and how likely is it you'll catch the owner during a work day who is prepared to talk about buying a website from you?
Fortunately for me White Mountain Bagel Co. has a Facebook page that lists their email address.
Step 5: Cold outreach
Here's your opportunity to shine.
Come up with some compelling copy - no, I'm not going to do this part for you.
Make sure to educate the business owner on what's happing - Google is DELETING their website in March of this year - less than 2 months from now!
You can get them a 1 page website stood up within the week.
But you can only take on 20 customers right now, first come first serve.
And I'd include your price.
Maybe even a way for them to pay you right then and there, with a follow-up form asking some basic questions you'll need answered in order to get started.
Make it insanely easy for them to say YES.
After all, they are in the business of making bagels, not websites.
They don't want to think about this for more than a minute.
So don't make them.
Step 6: Repeat
Do steps 1-5 two hundred more times.
And then wait.
See what kind of action you get.
If you get a 10% hit rate, that's 20 customers.
10% is high, but you did the work.
You didn't scrape, and then spray and pray.
Your list was targeted.
If you're able to get 20 customers, and you price each one page website at $499 (which as far as I know is insanely competitive) that's $9,980.
You might even be able to double the price to $999.
Then you only need 10 customers.
Feels achievable, doesn't it?
Step 7: Up-sell
Once you have an interested customer on the hook, up-selling them to something more than just a 1 page website is probably not too difficult.
Step 8: Deliver
Now it's time to do the work. Time to deliver a bunch of websites.
That's it.
That's the playbook.
Someone is 100% going to do this, so why not you?
Here's your first 15 leads. Now get going.
Have a great weekend.
Talk soon.
Niche Twins newsletter sent weekly on Fridays at 8:30 AM ET
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