Hi 👋 I’m Jasmine, founder of The Bloom. Thank you for signing up for our newsletter where we bring together small seeds for positive global impact. If you enjoy today’s issue, forward it to a lucky friend!
I May 30, 2021 I Art of the week: 'Meditating on my heart' by Hiba Schahbaz I
fresh soil
🧠 What a gender equal city looks like: There’s a quiet revolution going on in small French municipalities (shoutout to Vienna, too!). One by one, Grenoble, Rennes, Bordeaux, and Brest have adopted gendered budgets. In March, Lyon became the largest city in France so far to do so. → Story 🧠 Advancing LGBTQ+ rights in foreign policy: In February, the Biden administration signed a memorandum directing American agencies working abroad to ensure that U.S. diplomacy promotes human rights of LGBTQ+ people. What are the implications and how do LGBTQ+ rights intersect with diplomatic efforts on human rights? And what is the significance of having a separate conversation on LGBTQ+ rights aside from human rights discussions? → Event 🧠 Feminist investigative journalism can save lives – UK case study: A team of women journalists at OpenDemocracy lead huge victory in the UK. There are women in the UK, right now, who may not be at risk of severe haemorrhaging because a UK medical regulator took action in response to their investigation on 'abortion reversal treatment.' → Story
water your soul
🌏 7 animated short films directed by women from all over the world from Japan to Hungary. 🌹 A Jewish woman and a Palestinian woman are dared to kiss in a bar. It sounds like a joke, but it’s actually the beginning of a beautiful marriage, and the funniest duo comedy show we've seen in a long time. 🐷 For a fascinating source of wisdom...Watch the incredible short documentary (it's won more awards than we can count) of a Thai businesswoman and her pork sausage factory. 🥬 5 minutes with one of Asia's best chefs – and why she thinks we should consider food as 'edible art.'
EUROPE Media – Europe investigations editor (backlash against human rights project) – OpenDemocracy NGO – Women, peace, and security fellowship in South Central Europe – Vital Voices *expires Monday! Civic Org –Project manager (UK or Germany) – Global Disinformation Index NGO – Comms manager – Democratic Society 🇮🇹 NGO – Remote – Researcher + campaigner – Still I Rise Ed – Florence – Fellows + assistants – European University Institute Ed – Florence – Trainees – School of Transnational Governance 🇩🇰 Development – Copenhagen – Talent sourcing manager – Copenhagen Capacity 🇪🇸 NGO – Madrid – Operations assistant – IMO CivicOrg – Barcelona – Various roles – MedCités Foodtech – Barcelona – General application – Huera Foods 🇬🇷 NGO – Ritsona Refugee Camp – Child friendly spaces intern – Light House Relief 🇬🇧 Media – Remote – Finance assistant – OpenDemocracy Environment – Remote – Community manager – Oatly Media – Remote – Editorial intern – Sifted NGO – London – Advocacy coordinator – Malala Fund NGO – London – Business + human rights legal researcher – Amnesty Ed – London – Racial inequalities + economic justice research officer – LSE 🇧🇪 NGO – Network + advocacy officer (Spanish speaking) – EU/LAT Advocacy Network NGO – Brussels – Campaigns officer – EU Digital Rights 🇫🇷 Media – Paris – HR intern – NYTimes 🇳🇴 Environment – Remote – Community manager – Oatly 🇩🇪 NGO – Berlin – Digital democracy program officer – Democracy Reporting 🇨🇭 NGO – Geneva – Comms grad assistant – International AIDS Society
LATIN AMERICA NGO – Caribbean + Latin America movement building consultancy – She Decides Coaching –Director of programs (gender in Latin America) – Chicas Poderosas 🇨🇴 CivicOrg – Bogotá – Graphic designer – Movilizatorio 🇵🇪 NGO – Remote – Consultancy on Fairtrade certification – CLAC NGO – Lima – Assistant in national rural ed project – UNESCO 🇨🇱 Foodtech – Santiago – Web analyst – Justo
Spotted in our community garden this week is a fantastic resource for job-seekers created by The Bloom's newest collaborator: Elsa!! Elsa joins us from sunny Spain and is a human rights activist across many intersections. Fun facts: Elsa's been part of The Bloom's community since last year when we started and speaks Arabic (fusha and ammiya)! 💜
branch out
The Shifters Global Innovation Challenge is an international ideas competition to find business solutions to social and environmental problems. It's focused on ideas and early stage solutions that will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is open to young people 18 - 30 years old anywhere in the world.
💡 LEARN For designers interested in accessibility – Give a damn about accessibility is a practical free e-book written by a wonderful disability activist and international speaker. A fantastic online training program for SRHR youth professionals in Europe! The training program is about under-represented SRHR topics such as consent culture, disabilities/SRHR, and decolonizing SRHR. It's a program designed by young people, for young people. The African feminist writing workshop is a series conducted through eight online writing workshops to foster a community of young feminist writers who will lead and strengthen intellectual activism in Africa, using writing as a key organising strategy. Online certificate in social innovation management, a 5 month intensive program where you train with master practitioners, learn by doing, and build networks. It's open to anyone around the world and promises to be not-your-typical-online-course. A master class on sex, lies, and exploring the truths our bodies obscure (four trans writers can take the workshop for free!) 🌈 CELEBRATE YOUR TALENT
The TED fellowship program is open! Through the program, people working on future-shaping ideas will get tools to amplify the power of their vision. Each year, a new group of TED Fellows from around the world, and from every discipline, are welcomed into this international community of remarkable thinkers and doers who have shown unusual accomplishment, exceptional courage, strength of character, and potential to create positive change in their respective fields. Brussel's AfricaMuseum has set up a residency program for African creatives with an interest in the topic of "ecological knowledge." The objectives include strengthening the exchange of knowledge and exploring representations of African cultural heritage in Europe and Africa. 📆 JOIN
31 May - The way that we think about protest is fundamentally inaccessible to people with disabilities, but justice cannot be attained unless our movements include disabled voices. With a series of five events spanning the week of May 31st to June 4th, DisAbled Women's Network in Canada will invite 10+ women, trans, and non-binary artists with disabilities to share their work on the theme of art for social justice. 8 June – Brazilian reporter Patrícia Campos Mello is a columnist at the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo. She's been covering international relations, economics and human rights for almost 3 decades and has reported from over 50 countries. In an event with Oxford University, she will discuss how to rescue journalism in the age of lies. 9 June - Even if you're not a journalist, this event seems fascinating! How to use TikTok for journalists, hosted by a TikTok and media expert.
seed exchange
🌱ASKS 🌻GIVES Vibhaa (Chennai, India) 🌱 Career advice in the field of international/ humanitarian law 🌻 I can support you with legal research, drafting and writing. Neha (Chicago, USA) 🌱 I’m looking to interview students and early career folks for my mentoring platform in the data engineering space🌻 I'm an experienced data professional and willing to mentor anyone looking for jobs or learning more about the data industry. Reply to this email and we'll make the intro to these wonderful humans! To participate in next week's seed exchange, fill out the Asks & Gives form.
Special thanks to Ica, and KK for your contributions ☀️
The Bloom Issue #47, May 16 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. Crash course in ecological and feminist
The Bloom Issue #46, May 9 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. Dear friends, Almost one year ago, I decided to
The Bloom Issue #45, May 2 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. They call it a 'women's disease' – she
The Bloom Issue #44, April 25 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. How Mexican feminists interweave fight for
But now he's scaling a business fast. Houston never wanted to own a business, until working for others made him rethink everything. Here's how he took action... 🚨 Important Update: We're