Hi 👋 I’m Jasmine, founder of The Bloom. Thank you for signing up for our newsletter where we bring together small seeds for positive global impact. If you enjoy today’s issue, forward it to a lucky friend!
🧠 On the secret campaign trail to revolutionize the UN: A few months ago, we shared the news with you that the youngest ever (and first woman!) candidate was running for Secretary General of the UN. Catch a glimpse into her campaign trail since then. → Story 🧠 Intersectional policy research on counterterrorism, immigration, multilateralism: How unpaid internships are a threat to national security, Redefining counterterrorism, and a Russianist perspective on the need to reawaken cultural diplomacy – these are just some of the fascinating titles in the newest journal from Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security. → Report 🧠 5 lessons from Argentina's feminist movements for legal abortions: The country’s ‘Green Tide’ of feminist activists succeeded despite all the challenges of COVID-19, thanks to their resilience and creativity. As Cecilia Palmeiro, of Ni Una Menos, said: “We have the vocabulary and tools to understand what is going on and to figure out ways to resist and to strengthen our networks.” → Story
Spotted in our community garden this week is a fundraising campaign from one of our Bloom community members: Vara Raturi! Vara is a 22 year old theater artist, feminist, writer, and graduate from the Sophia College for Women in Mumbai. She recently received a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study at University of Cambridge, but needs support getting there:
"Unfortunately, the international student fee is really high, and there is no way I can afford it. I had made it to the final rounds of two international scholarships and was hopeful that one of them would support me, but sadly, that did not work out. I lost out on the applications of other possible applications because some were cancelled due to the pandemic. Because of my choice of course and financial situation, I cannot take a student loan. However, since this really is an opportunity that doesn't come easily, I don't want to give up on it. So this is me persevering!" Learn more about Vara's incredible artist portfolio (including her roles in Norwegian and Hindi films!) and contribute to her funding campaign 💜
branch out
💸 FUNDS Ourwonderful friends over at the European Activism Incubator (shoutout to Ayomide!) have started compiling an international list of grants for women.
14 June UN Women, Women Enabled International, and several other organizations will be presenting 5 disability resources to ensure no one is left behind in times of crisis. The resources were created with the input of 300+ participants from around the world and include an "impact assessment at the intersection of gender and disability." 18 - 21 June The international feminist human rights organization (AWID) is holding a feminist film club for a triple documentary weekend! 29 June The impact of the February coup in Myanmar is ongoing, and we have seen yet another resurgence of violent conflict in Palestine and Israel. So, when the tanks roll in, the bombs drop, the raids and the arbitrary arrests begin, how do social activists survive and thrive under military dictatorships and occupation forces? Join the director of London School of Economic's Center for women, peace, and security, a Palestinian Council member and peacebuilder from the Palestine Conflict Transformation Center, and the Secretary General of Amnesty International for a fascinating discussion on activism under occupations.
seed exchange
🌱ASKS 🌻GIVES Fernanda (Paris, France) 🌱Looking for young people who have and/or started social impact projects (climate, sciences, education, AI, culture...) to share your stories 🌻 Give the opportunity to showcase your projects on the UNESCO youth page; in addition to this visibility, there might also be a possibility for collaboration with UNESCO. Reply to this email and we'll make the intro. For a chance to participate in next week's seed exchange, fill out the Asks & Gives formand please be as specific as possible!
Special thanks to Ica, Adela, and KK for your contributions ☀️
The Bloom Issue #47, May 16 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. Crash course in ecological and feminist
The Bloom Issue #46, May 9 Welcome to The Bloom, a global social justice resource! Enjoy our small seeds of joy with an intersectional feminist lens. Dear friends, Almost one year ago, I decided to
But now he's scaling a business fast. Houston never wanted to own a business, until working for others made him rethink everything. Here's how he took action... 🚨 Important Update: We're