Recruiting Brainfood for the week ahead - Issue #257

Hung Lee
Hung Lee
Brainfood Jobs - including jobs with Cognism, GoDaddy, Veeva, BrightHire and many others. Check out the full list here
Founder’s Focus - Ep10: Up close & personal with Caroline Gleeson, CEO of Occupop. Learn about the journey from recruiter to successful CEO of a recruiting tech startup - Wednesday 15th Sept, 12.00pm - register here
Special thanks this week to: Christian Madsen, Eugène van den Hemel, Bas van de Haterd, Kevin Green, Vanessa Raath, Colin Donnery, Joey NK Koksal, Dorothy Dalton, Dave Hazlehurst, Tris Revill, Jo McCatty, Eva Zils, Franziska Joseph, John Bersentes, Rob Prince, Richard Wylde, Matthias Eisterer, Brittany King and Elizabeth Lembke for your public endorsement of this newsletter - vital for keeping it free for everyone else to read - thank you!
Now check out your scores on the Brainfood Hall of Fame😉
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Recruiting Brainfood has a private fb group for community discussion, a weekly video webinar series, a podcast on ITunesSpotify or Podbean, an active Talent Directory, a searchable archive of brainfood content and even a chatbot called RoboHung. You are welcome to join any or all of these channels.
Remember folks: Community News, Events, Stories - now at This Week, In Recruiting. Subscribe to it via LinkedIn

The Brainfood
How To Have Better 'Intake' Meetings With Hiring Managers
We Are Hiring (Someone A Bit Different) People Search Anti-Improvements
20 Underrated Qualities to Look for in Candidates — And 50+ Interview Questions to Suss Them Out
An Optimistic Data-Driven Look at the Post-COVID Future of Tech Hiring
Strategies For Onboarding In A Hybrid World
Hidden Workers Untapped Talent
Your Hiring Pulse Report for September 2021
The 8 Keys for Managing Multicultural Teams by Erin Meyer
Tax Not The Robots
‘Great Attrition’ or ‘Great Attraction’? The Choice Is Yours
The Incalculable Cost of Cheap Chicken
Who's Talking?
A Question of Class
‎The Recruitment Flex with Serge and Shelley: Hung Lee from Recruiting Brainfood
Factoring High-Skills Freelancers Into The Enterprise Equation
End notes
Actually I am not in London, I am in Hemel Hempstead, just about to start Day 2 of helping my brother move house. Going to be a super busy week from now on - TWIR tomorrow, IHR on Tuesday, Founders Focus on Weds, before traveling down to Margate for RecFest on Thursday night in time for hosting the Brainfood stage on RecFest on Friday.
Going to need a mega long rest after this week.
Anyways, here ares some AI generated movie posters - they are quite beautiful eh? And…. can you guess which movie? So DM me on twitter or Instagram or TikTok if you can.
Have a great week everybody. 
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Hung Lee
Hung Lee @hunglee

It's recruiting brainfood for the week ahead

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