Wolf Craft - 16 Tips to Improve Your Website Design

Since we started our PR-focused newsletter almost two years ago (boy time flys!) it has followed a very similar format:

  • 1 in-depth blog post - where we show you how to do one aspect of PR
  • 5 good links - useful stuff to help you with your biz
  • 1 PR Pro Tip - always short and actionable 
  • Wins - PR success from past and present clients
Well, we've decided that it's time to switch things up and we think you'll like what's in store. 

If you've attended one of our recent PR workshops, you likely noticed there were A LOT of great questions during our Q&A's. Inspired by *you,* we've taken what you're most curious about and turned those questions into concise advice on everything from how to find the right editors to pitch, to understanding lead times, to making sure you have the *right* assets to start pitching. 

So, going forward you'll get two newsletters from us a month:
  1. Our standard newsletter (like the one you see here!)
  2. A Q&A-focused newsletter where Nora answers your PR questions.
    Psst if you have a PR question send it our way, we'll answer you directly and it also may appear in our newsletter!

Show, Don't Tell

16 Tips to Improve How You Tell Your Story on Your Website

Last year we reviewed Thread & Whisk's website, assets, and PR strategy as part of our Tweak & Edit service. They took our advice and VASTLY improved their site! Now we've reformatted the 'before' and 'afters' as a blog post with tips you can use on your site. 

The tips are centered on how to communicate what you do and sell better with the people who come across your website for the first time and don’t know anything about your business — editors, future clients, and potential collaborators alike.


If you'd like personalized, actionable, in-depth feedback on your website, social media, assets, press kit, & PR goals, sign up for your own Tweak & Edit PR Review.

Here's what a past reviewee had to say:
"Thank you so much. This was AWESOME. Very inventive business idea from your point of view- well done. From our perspective, it was great to get an expert third-party (as opposed to us staring at our site for hours) for all the immense feedback."
— Melissa Urdang Bodie, Melissa Miller Interiors

Good Links Round Up

1. How to get press for your brand
Nora’s second podcast appearance! If you’ve been wondering how to get featured in your favorite publications for free, then tune in as Phoebe from Girl Gang Craft and Nora unpack why earned press matters for small businesses, what editors are looking for, what you need to do to make your offerings pitch-worthy, and how to do your own press research to identify the right niche for your business.

2. PR, influencers, and earned media vs affiliate marketing
Nora’s third podcast appearance! With paid traffic costs continuing to go up PR is a great place to find long-term value in traffic and social proof. In this episode Nora chats with Brand Growth Experts on topics ranging from how to start building a press list, understanding the type of content that works well for PR, the biggest mistakes people make in influencer marketing, and how to use PR as social proof.

3. How winning a design award can increase your press, client base, & bottom line
Winning a design award can be huge for your biz, that’s the obvious part. Applying for design awards is also a great PR and business exercise (see our Pro Tip for this month below). In this article past Dezeen Design Award recipients explain how the victory positively impacted their studios and why others should enter. So, get started :) There's 1-month left to apply for a Dezeen Design Award.

4. How to write *good* cold emails.
Pitching is all about the cold email, and then the follow up. This great twitter thread is a step by step guide to writing good cold emails. Although the tips are general, almost all of them apply to pitching editors or reaching out to someone you want to collaborate with. BTW we found this in one of our favorite newsletters, Brain Pint.

5. The power of touch is no joke, even if its through a screen
Lets jump straight to the point, “Digital ads showing someone’s hand touching a product had higher engagement and were seen as more valuable by consumers.” Getting ready for your next photoshoot? Check out this article all about behavioral economics and photography, it just may give you some solid evidence-backed ideas for your next shoot.

Wolf Craft Pro Tip

Applying for industry awards should be part of your PR strategy. (see good link #3)

Isn’t it nearly impossible to get an award, though?
Not necessarily.

Yes, there are some very competitive top tier awards, but a lot of industry trade magazines also have awards. Don’t know where to start, look to your competitors to see what kinds of awards they are snagging and look into how to apply for them! Also, a lot of awards typically come up around the same time as the industry’s trade shows.

Through the application process you’ll have to succinctly and clearly write about your product, its inspiration, and how it was produced. Also, you’ll have to take high quality photos, which you’ll need for general press outreach anyway.


Three past Wolf Craft clients participated in Surface Magazine's exhibition and event Woman Made in honor of Woman's month in March. 
2 & 3 
Strange Days and UFO necklaces by Cat Merrick and experimental jewelry and sculptural objects designer and artist. 
Line Lamp by Elish Warlop Design Studio, a multidisciplinary design firm specializing in lighting and furniture objects.
Geometric Side Table by SinCa Design, a circular design studio of wooden furniture designed and handcrafted objects. 

Work With Us!

If you want to get really good at telling your business' story, we can help!

-Tweak and Edit- for when you need a critically constructive second set of eyeballs to look at what you're doing and tell you exactly what to fix, and then show you best-in-show examples to help you get there. 

-1-1 sessions- for when you want to learn how to tighten up your business and pitch it to the media yourself, and you want guidance informed by 15+ years of experience and someone to hold you accountable. 

-List building- for when you want a fully customized media list built to fit your specific needs and timing as it involves launches and other company initiatives- AND you want it to include suggestions for press materials, stories to develop, order of operations for embargos and/or exclusives, and other activities for the biggest media impact.

and finally 

-How to Pitch For Holiday Gift Guides- for when you want to truly knock it out of the park with holiday gift guide pitching, but also secretly learn how to pitch for all the other year round holidays as well. 

Thanks for giving us some time in your inbox! If you have any questions send us a note, we'll always reply. 

Nora & Kirsten

PS - If you liked the newsletter, we’d be so happy if you shared it with others who might find it useful. Anyone new can subscribe here.
Copyright © 2020 Wolf Craft, All rights reserved.

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