How to write pitch subject lines editors *actually* open

The most important part of your pitch isn’t even in the pitch.

It’s the subject line.

Editors will decide to open your email, or send it straight to the trash, based on the subject line.

Welcome, to our newest newsletter series! You’re in part 1-of-11.

Once a month we’ll send you one media feature. And with it, the subject line we *actually used* that an editor *actually opened*, ultimately leading to press for one of our Wolf PR clients.

What not to do is often as helpful as what to do. So, for each good example, you’ll also see a subject line that most editors would just delete.

Haand in Sight Unseen. Read it here.

DO- get to the point & be useful.

This subject line tells the editor that the pitch will include new products.

This is important, since editors like to write about new things. The media is “the news” after all.

When an editor opens this pitch email, they know exactly what to expect. For someone on a deadline, looking to finish their story with two more products, an email like this will rise to the open pile quickly!

DON’T- manufacture demand.

Take a look at this example. It doesn’t tell me what kinds of ceramics will be inside: are they large, outdoor sculptures? Wall hangings? And why would my readers love these ceramics? Just because you said so?

This subject line doesn’t give me any info and comes off as presumptuous.

Phrases like “open now”, or other words like “urgent” are huge editor turn offs and may even get you blocked from future correspondence.

And never use all caps.

Aggressive subject lines won’t get you any closer to the media opportunities you’re looking for and they make you look unprofessional.

Editors are as media literate and savvy as they come, they aren’t falling for marketing tricks.

While you’re here

Announcements from Wolf Craft

On February 28th at 4:00 EST, we’re running a free workshop with Sandra Chau: How to Create Elevated Brand Photos that Increase your Sales in 2024. Register here.

Two weeks ago, we also hosted a paid live workshop all about how to set your business up for more press, sales, & opportunities. All the participants found it *really helpful*. SO, we made it into a lifetime-access mini course. (**KL add link when it’s up + testimonials)

Thanks for giving our newsletter a bit of time in your inbox!

Nora & Kirsten

PS- We’d love your thoughts on this new newsletter edition!

Did you find it helpful or insightful in any particular way?

Did you like getting one tip at a time?

Anything you’d add or take out?

Reply to this email & let us know! We so appreciate your feedback!

How to work with us

If you want to get great at telling your story, for more
press and more clients, we can help!

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