Backstory: Through the quarantine, we've found ways to communicate that have proved to be more efficient than in-person meetings. Coaching for sports like golf, basketball and soccer can be performed remotely video chat and recordings. Kids and young adults aren't going to stop playing sports and improving, with the closing and unviability of gyms in the near future, remote coaching is market that's open for innovation.

The Idea: Remote sports coaching.

Deep Dive: You'd pick a sport that you're knowledgable about or partner with an expert. You would offer premium 1-on-1 coaching remotely. Let's take soccer, you would ask your students to record videos of them dribbling and kicking from all angles. You would critic their form, offer suggestions for improvement and provide drills for them to practice between sessions. 

To help provide additional value, you could have a before/after video montage where the customer could see their progress and be more willing to continue paying for the service. Your actual customer is the parents of the athletes and the more value you can show, the more likely they are to continue to pay. 

Validation: Shaan Puri talked about this for golf on the latest my first millions podcast #107 and Nick Manzoni is doing something similar in the soccer space at sports lab 360.

Monetization: This is a remote service, charge as much as customers are willing to pay.

Steps to Launch: I'd start by running some paid traffic to a landing page to prove out interest. Once you have a few willing customers, then build out some content, course material and drills.