Hurry Slowly - A Planetary Consciousness

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Artwork by Yo Az.

Hi Friend-

I'll keep it short today. If you haven't already tuned into the latest Hurry Slowly epi, it's a fantastic conversation with educator and activist Nkem Ndefo on trauma, resilience, and building the capacity for transformation. Her wisdom and honesty are just the tonic we need right now.

Listen to: "Nkem Ndefo: Coming Home to Yourself"

Much love,
Artwork by Yo Az.

Rooted in blackness. There is tons of goodness in this recent email from Rachel Cargle and the folks at Loveland who are celebrating all that is rooted in Blackness this month. If you were a fan of Rachel Cargle's Do the Work program, they are now launching a "Do the Work for Young Learners" program, which will be focusing on the foundational contributions Black people and culture have made to the world we live in. They're also raising up Toni Morrison's classic text Beloved with a series of readings and appreciations by Black writers. Plus, there's a recommended list of books by QTBIPOC authors.

How to develop a planetary consciousness. A thought-provoking interview with philosopher Achille Mbembe, who argues that democracy itself will have to be reinvented in this age of planetary crisis: "To some extent, the market has become a totality, or in any case our core moral experience. But so has technology. Both the market and technology now set the rules and procedures according to which we are obliged to live together as a connective body within new planetary limits... Now the key question is, to what extent can we rely on these infrastructures as parts of the Earth become inhospitable to life in the near future. Can we rely on infrastructures that have, to some extent, contributed to turning the world into a burning house? Can we rely on them to learn how to inhabit the planet anew, how to share it as equitably as possible?"

Relinquishing the patriarchy. I only recently uncovered this wonderful essay from May of 2019 on relinquishing the patriarchy by adrienne maree brown. It's a love note and a guide to all who participate in masculinity: "Practice listening to the truth: ask the women in your life how they have survived you. This is not to say that all women are innocent, or never abusive/ controlling/ unfair/ harmful. It is to say that women have most often engaged in those strategies in order to navigate staying safe and sane inside of patriarchy. Ask her how she carried that emotional, economic, child-rearing, home management, and/or fear burden."

How to get out of your worst nightmare. I recently discovered Marlee Grace through a friend and am enjoying getting to know her work. This piece captures the mood of despair that seemed to be humming through the collective in January: "The arrival of love is offered to me everyday, and everyday I have two choices. 1. To let love in and trust it just for this day, letting it wash over me in the gratitude that I get to feel it even for an hour. 2. Spend all hours of the day obsessing over if I can trust the love being offered, take out my detective notebook and look for all the holes in the story or where what is being promised didn’t line up with what happened before, and block the love. Because if you block the love when the love goes away you don’t have far to fall."

Impossible silences. This is an intriguing philosophical meditation on the impossibility of silence in the realm of social media, and what (powerful) things silence can do when we're in an embodied space. "First among the classification of silences is the silence of the pure listener … the silence through which the message of the other becomes ‘he in us,’ the silence of deep interest... the greater the distance between the two worlds, the more this silence of interest is a sign of love... A second kind of silence is the silence that precedes words, a silence that is a preparation for speech. It involves a patience that deeply considers what ought to be said and how, one that troubles itself over the meaning of the words to be used and proceeds with great care."

This conversation will change how you think about thinking.

bell hooks in conversation with John Powell.

Remembering with Alexis Pauline Gumbs.

Mary Oliver's "In Blackwater Woods."

Artwork by Yo Az.

Link appreciation to: Linda Brandt, Ann Friedman, Dense Discovery, Sebene Selassie, and Jessica Bozek. 🙏

The trippy artwork is from: Yo Az, who is based in Paris.

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Hi, I'm Jocelyn, the human behind this newsletter. I created the online course RESET, a cosmic tune-up for your workday, and I host Hurry Slowly — a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient by slowing down.
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