Recruiting Brainfood for the week ahead - Issue #311

Hung Lee
Hung Lee
Brainfood Baked Fresh - we’re back tomorrow to review this very newsletter with you! If you want to join the conversation on anything you read here or want to get a digest on it, sign up to the event here - we’re on lunch hour Monday 12.30pm BST.
Brainfood Jobs: Looking for work, hedging your bets or just want to keep an eye on recruiter job opportunities coming up, Brainfood has a job board where you can configure your interests and get notified as soon as the jobs appear. Subscribe here, and if you’re an employer hiring for recruiters / HR folks, post here
Brainfood Live On Air - Ep174 - Where Are All The Workers? - continuing our mini-series of trying to work out what is going on with the economy, we are bringing in some expert labour market economists to help us understand why there is this persistent talent shortage. Economists from Indeed, Radancy and IFS join - this is top level folks. If you want to better understand hiring conditions throughout 2022 and onto 2023, register here. We’re on Friday 30th Sep, 2pm BST
Special thanks this week to: David Green, Eugène van den Hemel, Jon Hull, James Osborne, Vanessa Raath, Kevin Green, Joey NK Koksal, Steve Jacobs, Dave Hazlehurst, Felix von Zittwitz, Rob Walker, Bas van de Haterd, Patricia Chmielowiec, Ross Clennett, Tim Sanchez, Sarah Ali, Mark Deubel and Adrian McDonagh for your public endorsement on all things brainfood! This sort of advocacy is a real motivator for me to keep going - thank you!
Now check out your scores on the Brainfood Hall of Fame😉
Can you help? Simply share this link on a LinkedIn status update and recommend it to your network - it’s the best way to keep the growing the brainfood community.

The Brainfood
Inside Pollen’s Collapse: $200M Raised But Staff Unpaid
Hiring: Why More is Often Less
Candidate Lookup by CODΞ (Chrome Extension)
I Forced an AI Bot to Read 100 million Linkedin Profiles and Create a TV Pilot Script
How Does Upwork Work?
September 2022 Labor Market Update
A Message from Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson
How I Interview Engineers to Assess Ability to Deliver Impact
Eastern European Guide to Writing Reference Letters
Using Your Employee Survey Data to Prioritise Employee Experience Projects
More US Employers Are Trapping Workers in a New Form of Indentured Servitude
Does That Remote Job Opening Really Let You Work From Home? Check the Fine Print
Tracking Phone Location Data to see How People Take Vacation
IR35 Reform Will be Repealed from April
How Your Brain Fills in the Blanks with Experience
The Rise of Career-Adjacent Creators
Who's Talking?
Are Scientific Journals Just Parasites?
Underrepresented Communities of Talent
Measuring Long Covid's Impact on the Labor Market
End notes
Been quite cool to meet up with a few folks recently - seems like London based events are starting to happen but I think we’re all suffering a little bit from having reconfigured our lives to do not be away from laptop for long chunks of time. Hence, the opportunity cost of attending events has gone up for everybody. Hope we get some sort of rebalancing at some point.
Anyways, I usually ask people to send me cool stuff from the Internet, so how about this tribute to the Internet of a bye gone era? Complain about cookies all you like, but before tracking we generally had to enter a smorgasbord of the weird, wonderful and frequently confounding.
DM me on twitter or Instagram or TikTok….
Have a great week everybody. 
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Hung Lee
Hung Lee @hunglee

It's recruiting brainfood for the week ahead

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