Copywriting Course - How you benefit from CC

Hey there,

If you’ve been thinking about joining The Copywriting Course, now’s a very veryy veryyy good time to jump in.

We’re running a big sale through the end of June to celebrate the start of Q3 2024! If you join now, you’ll save $480 and get immediate access to:

1) Our training videos 2) Our members area 3) Our Live Office Hours.

1.) We have a "12 Course Roadmap" to train you as a full stack writer:

This "Roadmap" includes:
✔ The Copywriting Course Foundations
✔ The Copywriting Concepts Course
✔ The 25 Minute Crash Course
✔ The Email Writing Course
✔ The Newsletter Course
✔ The Email Autoresponder Course
✔ The Social Media Writing Course
✔ The Ad Platform Course.
✔ How To Make Images Course
✔ The Website Tuneup Course
✔ The SEO Course
✔ The Building Digital Products Course

When people join Copywriting Course, one of the best things we see it that 93% of people see a return on invest JUST from picking up some advice from a single video!

We get people reaching out with statements like this:

Funny thing is, just watching our training videos is just Step 1 of what we deliver! Here's Part 2:

2.) You become part of our Members-Only Area

Did you know we have a custom built super-active forum where you can ask questions or upload copy, and myself and professional optimizers go through and help you re-do it?

So if you post some copy you're working on in the Members Area.....

It's super easy to do:

Step 1: Post any piece of copy or marketing (fill out our simple form).

Step 2: Get 3+ professional copywriters to look at it and improve it.

Step 3: You now have the best possible converting piece. …and you can do this unlimited times! 😳

Here are a few recent ones…

Kyle V created an email campaign inside the members area (with a 68% open rate) and made 3 deals worth $23,000:

Michael had his main sales page reviewed several times inside the members area and office hours sessions, and had the biggest month in his business ever:

Alicia works as a freelancer for software companies and DTC brands, and has used the members area to get feedback on all the pages she designs/writes for them (it always helps to have multiple perspectives on your work)!

Brian was featured on the Joe Rogan podcast he used the forum and office hours to optimize his website to capture the most emails he could when the show aired.

Then Part 3 of what we offer is.....

3.) Live Group Coaching Every Week!

Come to Office Hours and ask questions or for help. I screen share my screen and go through your question, help you re-write/optimize, or help with strategy.

Look what people say about Office Hours calls:

Pretty cool, right?

If you want similar results, join The Copywriting Course now (and get 50% off while this deal lasts)!

Whether you’re a business owner, a marketer, a freelancer, or you’ve just got a side hustle you want to build….

…we can help you level up in a BIG way.

If you act now you’ll get the complete annual membership for:

$960—> $480
(that’s $480 off)

Use Coupon Code: LEVELUPQ4 when you checkout

June Only. Expires End of June 2024. Sunday 6/30/24.

Ready to get started? Then click the button below!


Neville Medhora - Copywriter with a GREAT community.

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