Marketing Junto

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Communities Are The Rage

With centralized social media showing many of us how NOT to build community, people and brands are turning to community platforms to build out their own slice of the Web. Marketing Junto | News &
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The Power Of The Newsletter... Owning Your Audience

Having an email list and a newsletter, along with podcasting, is all the rage. With corporate social media platforms looking inward, we as creators have to look outward. Marketing Junto | News &
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Podcasting & Brand Equity

Podcasting can be a great way to boost your brand equity and grow the exposure your brand has with your target audience in a way that other mediums don't provide. Marketing Junto | News &
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Decentralized Social Is The Best Way... But... Funding

Decentralized social media is the best way to make sure we don't end up with another Twitter/X problem. But funding the decentralized web is expensive and often cost prohibitive. Marketing Junto |
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When Video Matters And When It Shouldn't

Humans, it seems, like to be all or nothing on things. It's a Twitter-killer or a Google-killer. Not here's another way to access content or do things. It's all or nothing. And that's
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The Year Of Both The Podcast And The Newsletter

A podcast in conjunction with a similarly related newsletter is the perfect way to reach our audience and communicate with them on your terms on your owned platform. Marketing Junto | News &
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The Power Of In-Person Networking

As 2024 comes to a close, I'm looking back at the year and realizing that the most value I've gotten from my networking has been going to and hosting in-person business networking events.
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YouTube... A Podcast App?

According to Edison Research, YouTube is dominant for podcasts? More people listen/watch podcasts on YouTube than even Spotify. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Marketing
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A Marketer Who Is Thankful

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. It's been a tough couple of weeks, but I am thankful for some things. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Marketing Junto
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How To Survive The Google Ranking Algorithm Holiday Updates

Every year Google mucks with their algorithm during the holidays causing havoc to retailers who want to get their sales in the Black/positive. Here's some tips on how to survive the changes like
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Sometimes You Just Have To Ask For It...

Sometimes you need to ask for the sale or the budget or the sponsorship. You won't get it at all if you don't ask. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Marketing
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New Project? Who Dis?

As many of you know, I'm doing podcast coaching under the Podcast Mastery brand. It's been quite a ride so far. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Marketing Junto |
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Open Source Talk: The WordPress War

This is going to be an occasional newsletter, put out by Marketing Junto, talking about Open Source. I've decided that it needs it's own spot. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About
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When WordPress Goes To War

This is coming out of cycle because of the timeliness of what's going on. If you're not sure what I'm talking about don't feel bad. Just read on. I wasn't going to write about this
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Content Can Be Tough To Come Up With... Don't Give Up

Using AI can help with coming up with content. But use it wisely. Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Marketing Junto | News & Commentary About Digital Marketing Content
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How Important Community Is To Online Marketing

Brought to you by our sponsor --> Revolutionize How You Run Events And Network. I've been thinking a lot about community lately. A dear friend and Philly community member (he was in a
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The Power Of YouTube For Your Marketing Efforts

YouTube, after Google, is the largest search engine on the Web. Because of this you need to have your content on the platform. If you're doing a podcast, even just audio, you need to have it there
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Writing A Newsletter

Brought to you by our sponsor --> Revolutionize How You Run Events And Network. Writing a newsletter is a labor of love for me. I love writing for you guys and sharing my knowledge. It's
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Having A Brand For Your Podcast

Back in February Ben Dodd over at the blog wrote up a comprehensive guide to building a brand for your podcast and explained why having a brand around your podcast is so critical.
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Is Google Too Powerful To Fail?

Brought to you by our sponsor --> Revolutionize How You Run Events And Network. I've been wondering this for a while now. But now more than ever, I think there is a slim chance that