As the pandemic morphs into an endemic and a nuisance above all else, events are starting to go back in-person.

Does this mean the end of the virtual event? Heck no! I see virtual events staying for the foreseeable future and even melding into hybrid events, where those who can attend in-person, do so and those who can't attend virtually.

The pandemic did something favorable to the events scene. It showed that you can have an event virtually and have it be a success. I think we're going to see a lot more events that want to attract a wider range of people/companies and different price points go virtual or hybrid, because there is less overhead for those attending virtually.

Recently, Brighton SEO, an bi-annual conference based in Brighton, UK, was held in person. All the talks were recorded and later in the month they held a two day online conference for free, for those who couldn't attend. They also had an upsell, which allowed you for a few hundred dollars have the recordings. This made the conference more accessible to more people, especially those who couldn't make the trek or afford to go. It was the best of both worlds. Those who could make the trek did and got to see everyone in person and those, myself included, got to enjoy the talks later.

In the end, I think all three methods are here to stay. What do you think? Mash that reply button and let me know.

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Web Finds Of The Week

  • Snapchat is still a thing and it's growing. Personally, I haven't been on the platform for a bit, but a lot have. I'm really happy to see Snapchat succeed in the face of Meta's Instagram.
  • Elon Musk really wants Twitter. So much so that he's dropping around $44 billion (with a B) on owning it. Will Twitter be better or worse under a Musk ownership? I'm not sure. I can say one thing, I'm looking more and more at Mastodon. I've set up an instance and if you're interested in joining it hit reply and I'll send you an invite to my instance.
  • A good take on Core Web Vitals. Though CWV are not a huge ranking factor, they still effect retention and visits to your site and need to be considered.
  • Have you been dying to upload a video podcast to Spotify? Now's your chance.
  • Google just can't catch a break in the European Union. Google has now released a new cookie banner that allows visitors to reject all cookies with one button click. This after their last incarnation was found to not be good enough.\
  • Amazon Prime shipping for that item that wasn't purchased at Yes please. This dream might be coming true. It looks like Amazon might become even more of a logistics company following in the footsteps of being a backbone for the Cloud with AWS.

Guest Insights

Colin Jeffries is a fellow marketer and podcaster on the Marketing Podcast Network, with me. Here's another great insight from him.

Striving for Second Place

We hear constantly about brands who define their categories. Online retailer? Amazon. Laundry detergent? Tide. Electric vehicles? Tesla. To be sure, there is tremendous value and profit in serving your customers by owning a broad category. Many brands commit the cardinal sin of diversifying their way out of the top spot, only to struggle mightily later to regain lost ground. If your brand isn’t the category owner, if it’s not first to market, even if it isn’t the best, there is hope!

Hear me clearly on this: you don’t have to be the brand who owns your category. Pepsi, Goldstar, Powerade, Rivian and many other “second” brands live in the shadows of market owners. They may be “second,” but they aren’t the same. They don’t sell identical products to the category owners. They meet different customer needs, and they are very successful at it.

Pepsi isn’t Coke: it tastes better. Rivian isn’t Tesla: it focuses on adventure vehicles. Goldstar (for those of you in the Midwest that enjoy Greek chili) has a thicker formula than Skyline. This list is virtually endless of follower brands who have sprung up to own particular niches within broader categories.

Rivian doesn’t need to supplant Tesla and be the posterchild for electric vehicles. If they can cement themselves as the electric adventure vehicle company, they can dominate with drivers who fancy themselves outdoorsy and environmentally conscious—watch out, Subaru! It’s still a massive market, and one that Tesla will likely compete for whenever Cybertrucks actually start rolling off the assembly line.

Copying established brands rarely works. However, don’t fall for the conventional marketing lie that you’re either first or last. Being different in a category with a clear leader may still leave you enough room to serve an attractive audience who doesn’t identify with the number one brand.

Colin Jeffries is a healthcare marketing leader, podcaster, speaker, advisor, and content creator.  You can connect with him via the Rethink Marketing Podcast or follow him on LinkedIn.

Podcast Of Note

The Fuel Podcast w/ Keith Smith album art

Yet another great marketing podcast, which just so happens to be on the Marketing Podcast Network, is by a chap originally from across the pond, now living in Indiana. Keith Smith and his podcast The Fuel Podcast is excellent and has some great guests. Not to mention the dreamy British accent. Have a listen!

The Latest Goldstein Media Podcasts

Entrepreneur's Enigma

Digital Marketing Dive Season 3 Is Back!

What do you think of this issue? Don't be shy. Hit reply and let me know!

Until next week (or sooner if something pops up 😄)

Seth Signature

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