The twice  a year WordFest festival happened online this past Friday.

WordFest Live Logo 2022

It was organized by Big Orange Heart, an online mental health and support community for remote workers. WordFest is a 24-hour celebration of both mental health and WordPress.

BOH started as a support organization for the WordPress community and has recently branched to encompass all remote workers.

I've been involved since the first WordFest in January 2021, which had more than 2,500 register. It was quite an event. There was second one later in July 2021 where even more people attended.

The festival is free and relies on sponsors and donations to host the event and support BOH.

WordFest highlights how important mental health is to any community, but especially those in the remote worker community. The talks ranged from typical WordPress and development topics to staying on task, being productive, managing anxiety, taking care of yourself.

There is a growing trend in the tech community and especially in the open source community for more inclusivity and acknowledgement of the importance of mental health. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, more people are realizing the need to focus on their mental health and wellbeing as well as their work.

Team over at BOH are planning for a second WordFest for later this year. Stay tuned for updates.

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Web Finds Of The Week

  • With the world the way it is, it's important to stay diligent online. Sucuri has a great post on how to not get re-infected after being hacked. Keep this article some where you can access it.
  • I've wondered why hackers get, besides the lols, by hacking a Website. This is another great post by the security team over at Securi. It's worth a read.
  • IGTV, as a standalone app, is no more. Instagram, wisely in my opinion, is getting rid of the standalone app for IGTV (aka Instagram TV) to focus on having people use the Instagram main app for everything. Honestly this makes the most sense. Having a separate app with low adoption just segments your users unnecessarily.
  • An interesting article explaining how best to figure the cost of a new customer on a service.
  • This is an interesting infographic showing some great no-code growth tool for marketers. Have you tried any of them?
  • It seems like Kevin Indig continues to publish gems every week right before I publish Marketing Junto. This article on his site is a bit technical and very much about SEO, but well worth taking a look at, because he's talking about topical authority and entities, not just building links.

Podcast Of Note

Here's another great podcast from the Marketing Podcast Network. Tim Hines is a marketer and an author. His podcast the Marketing Starter Podcast is a show for business pioneers. Twice a month, Tim interviews thought leaders from around the world and discuss innovative topics on how to kick-start your marketing efforts and become a more savvy marketer.

The Latest Podcast from Entrepreneur's Enigma

Have You Listened?

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Until next week (or sooner if something pops up 😄)

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