Mailbrew Marketing Weekly - Marketing Weekly #110

Top 10 E-commerce Trends to Look out for in 2023 • How My Newsletter Went from “Aimless Hobby” to a Media Business. • Celebrating Inclusion at Community Colleges • How to Stop Producing Commodity Content • 5 Content Writing Myths That Can Ruin Your Content Marketing Efforts • 20 Evergreen Content Examples That Produce Lasting Results • 7 Social Media Predictions for 2023 (according to experts) • How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 • The Creator Economy Is Far From Overblown • Hats Off to Hybrids 🧢
Sunday January, 2023

👋 Good day!

Here's your weekly marketing brew. ☕️

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20 Evergreen Content Examples That Produce Lasting Results
Aaron OrendorffJan 12

I’m sure you’ve heard this stat: more than four million blog posts go live every single day. And that’s just...

The post 20 Evergreen Content Examples That Produce Lasting Results appeared first on Copyblogger.

7 Social Media Predictions for 2023 (according to experts)
Tamilore OladipoJan 12

If there’s one thing we love to check on at the end and beginning of any year, it’s the trends. Who got what right — or wrong? What did no one see coming? It’s all fascinating to witness.

Perhaps antithetical to my love for

How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023
Joshua HardwickJan 13
In this guide, you’ll learn how to get some serious SEO value from Keyword Planner.  Google Keyword Planner is free. All you need is a Google Ads account to use it.  To set one up, go to, click “Start
Read more ›
The Creator Economy Is Far From Overblown
Rand FishkinJan 8
I came across Alex Kantrowitz’s The Creator Economy Was Way Overblown in my weekend reading. It’s well-written, but completely wrong. Here’s an excerpt of the core arguments: “After years of hype, the Creator Economy is slamming into reality. Influencer programs are shuttering. Investment is drying up. And worsening economic conditions are threatening …


Hats Off to Hybrids 🧢
Shannon SankeyJan 12

Everyone's a generalist these days.

The post Hats Off to Hybrids 🧢 appeared first on Carney.


How To Build A Business That Builds Leaders

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Robert Glazer. Robert is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Acceleration Partners, a global partner marketing agency, and the recipient of numerous industry and company culture awards, including Glassdoor’s Employees’ Choice Awards two years in a …

Utilizing Purchase Data from the Holidays to Maximize Sales in The New Year #571

You just experienced the busiest (and hopefully most lucrative) time of the year for your business. Onto the new year... right? Wrong.
In today's episode, Steve Lunt, Sr. Manager of Customer Success at Privy shares how to analyze and utilize ALL of that customer behavior and purchase data to keep …

Here is how we 10Xed our leads with cold outreach
anchor.fmCopyblogger Media LLCJan 13

This week Tim Stoddart (@timstodz) and Ethan Brooks (@damn_ethan) talk about how the team over at have been able to 10X their leads. They also discuss the different softwares they used that have been instrumental in increasing the amount of cold outreach they are doing.   

Awesome people mentioned: …

AJ Wilcox Talks about LinkedIn Ads
John Wall and Christopher PennJan 13

In this Marketing Over Coffee: In this episode Ad Agency owner A.J. Wilcox talks about LinkedIn Advertising Strategies Direct Link to File Brought to you by our sponsor:Marketing Architects Getting Started In Advertising through marketing and tech at school Making Domo the largest spending account Unlock the power of TV …

To demonstrate the power of ChatGPT for the future of marketing, here's a sample of how you can generate entire campaigns for a dog grooming business -- in under five minutes

I've seen a lot of skepticism in the marketing world about the new AI tool ChatGPT and it's potential for use in marketing. I think a lot of this skepticism comes from people who've never used it, so I wanted to demonstrate it's power. Note: Everything in this post took …

How many of you in marketing work 100% remotely?

So, I'm looking to buy my first house and I want to live somewhere where my money goes a lot further and really just gain financial independence. But the problem is, as we all know, marketing jobs tend to thin out the further you go from major metropolitan areas. And …

Chat GPT review for marketing users

Wanted to share my review of ChatGPT by OpenAI with you all. I've been playing around with it over the holidays and I have to say, I'm blown away by its accuracy, attention to detail, and ability to write with perfect spelling and grammar. I've also tried tools like …

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Andrea Bosoni @theandreboso

So apparently Google said they don’t care if content is written by AI or humans as long as it’s helpful and created for people first 🤔

62Jan 14 · 6:00 AM
Katelyn Bourgoin @KateBour

Whoever gets closer to the customer… wins

26Jan 12 · 4:19 AM
Alex Garcia 🔍 @alexgarcia_atx

10 Marketing tips to help you grow your startup that I wish I knew years ago:

45Jan 14 · 8:50 AM
Corey Haines @coreyhainesco

LIVE on Product Hunt! 🎉

SwipeWell has officially launched 🚀

Today is a big day. Come show some support and help us make a splash today. 🤓

56Jan 12 · 12:01 AM
Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧 @ecomchasedimond

Bad copywriting aims for cleverness.

Good copywriting aims for clarity.

40Jan 12 · 7:30 AM
Jeremy Moser @jmoserr

7 words to use in your headlines to grab attention:

1. free
2. simple
3. secret
4. weird
5. unfair
6. cure
7. strange

What would you add?

17Jan 14 · 8:00 AM
Matthew Kobach @mkobach

What’s something every dad should teach his son?

11Jan 14 · 5:47 PM
Taylor Lagace @TaylorLagace

We just released our influencer marketing cheat sheet to make you an internal talent scout for your brand.

With this doc, you’ll be able to identify high-quality content creators who you KNOW are good enough for you to work with.

& we’re giving it away for free.

Keep reading.

35Jan 13 · 12:22 PM
Rand Fishkin @randfish

When I see lovely tweets from people in my feed:

- Sharing stories
- Giving advice
- Telling me about their day
- Commenting on some trend

And they have ~30 impressions, no RTs, 1 like... It makes me sad. The winner-take-all model of the engagement algo here is depressing.

8Jan 12 · 3:09 PM
Kevin_Indig @Kevin_Indig

There has been a lot of buzz around Bankrate using AI to generate some of its content - but how does it perform?

Using a site query, I found that about 350 articles on Bankrate were generated with AI.

14Jan 12 · 11:06 AM
Nik Sharma @mrsharma

If you're not solving a top-5 problem in someone's head, you'll always be swimming upstream for sales.

Whether you're B2B, B2C, or P2P, selling a solution is always the fastest way to close a deal.

9Jan 12 · 8:04 AM
Aleyda Solis 🇺🇦 @aleyda

Google is ok with AI content as long as it’s high quality and helpful for users 👇

Google SearchLiaison @searchliaison

@blairmacgregor @JohnMu As said before when asked about AI, content created primarily for search engine rankings, however it is done, is against our guidance. If content is helpful & created for people first, that's not an issue.………

27Jan 12 · 5:55 AM
Lenny Rachitsky @lennysan

Love this story from @npilosof, on why Evernote didn't reach their potential

7Jan 12 · 12:37 PM
Aazar Shad @Aazarshad

Have you heard about this copywriting principle?

It's called Chiasmi.

It’s a verbal pattern in which the second half of a phrase is balanced against the first, with the critical element being reversed.

Here's a good example in a video script:

8Jan 14 · 5:27 AM
Kristen LaFrance @kdlafrance

I think magazines should make a comeback in 2023— any takers?

2Jan 12 · 8:49 AM
Jay Acunzo @jayacunzo

I don’t want to move faster and make more content.

I want to slow down and make better content.

8Jan 14 · 6:29 AM
Ross Simmonds @TheCoolestCool

No matter how big you get.
No matter how much good you do.
No matter how much value you deliver.

Someone out there is going to think you're corny, phony or a loud mouth.

Ignore it.

Keep going.

9Jan 12 · 4:52 AM
JH Scherck @JHTScherck

Listened to @Jason on @theallinpod give a simplistic take on how OpenAI/ChatGPT is going to eat into Google and now I'm sure non-technical investors are going to turn this into the next big bubble. Meanwhile, investors that understand the tech are asking questions that matter:

5Jan 12 · 12:40 PM
Brian Clark @BrianClark

Alright stop, collaborate and listen ...

3Jan 12 · 9:00 AM
Wil Reynolds @wilreynolds

I dunno who is into old hip hop, but this jawn was fire.…

@iPullRank you are pretty much the only person I know who likely knows this song.

1Jan 12 · 1:51 PM
Pe:p Laja 🇺🇦 @peeplaja

Lots of folks laid off recently.

Know of a great numbers-obsessed marketing manager? I'm hiring at Wynter.

10Jan 12 · 8:20 AM
April Dunford @aprildunford

I'm on the Produxlabs Podcast this week with @lissijean yakking all things product and positioning - check it out…

0Jan 12 · 7:43 AM
Tim Soulo 🇺🇦 @timsoulo

A BIG improvement to outgoing link data in @ahrefs! 🔥

Previously we only showed you the domains that your "target" is linking to..

Now you can see a full list of all outgoing links!!

..but my favourite new feature is the drop-down with all linked pages on a given website. 😍

0Jan 12 · 2:15 PM

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week. 🤓

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