Mailbrew Marketing Weekly - Marketing Weekly #111

How Much the Typical Freelancer Works: A Review of My Time in 2022 • My 5-Years Story of Crafting My Voice and Building a Personal Brand • The AI Revolution is Here: How Bloggers and Copywriters Can Stay Ahead with Prompt Engineering • Build Your Content Strategy Around Solid Tactics • My Newsletter Just Hit 4,000 Subs. Here’s What I’ve Learned. • How to Become Self-Employed: 5 Key Moves for New Freelancers • How our Support Team Contributes to Product Launches • SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost in 2023? [Industry Research] • Too Few Marketers Grasp the Difference Between Strategy vs. Tactics; We Need to Fix That • How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy: A 5-Step Guide
Sunday January, 2023

👋 Good day!

Here's your weekly marketing brew. ☕️

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How to Become Self-Employed: 5 Key Moves for New Freelancers
Claire EmersonJan 19

In the lead-up to quitting my nine-to-five back in August 2016, the question of how to become self-employed plagued my...

The post How to Become Self-Employed: 5 Key Moves for New Freelancers appeared first on Copyblogger.

How our Support Team Contributes to Product Launches
Dave ChapmanJan 20
In this post, we share a little about what we do in preparation for launches to create the best possible outcome for our customers and our team.
SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost in 2023? [Industry Research]
Joshua HardwickJan 20
Here are the top 10 takeaways: Let’s take a look at each pricing model in more detail. 34.8% of respondents price some or all of their work by the hour. We found that $75–$100 per hour is the most popular
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Too Few Marketers Grasp the Difference Between Strategy vs. Tactics; We Need to Fix That
Rand FishkinJan 17
Look, I get it. For (at least) the first decade of my career, I, too, foolishly conflated strategy and tactics. I’d say things like: “we need to be strategic with our paid search spend,” or “let’s get tactical with the pricing tiers.” Did I sound smart? No. Did I *think* …
How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy: A 5-Step Guide
Cameron BrownJan 19
After 5+ years of running our agency and writing in-depth articles about the nuanced details of content marketing (content writing, SEO, content promotion, content attribution, measuring ROI, etc.), we’ve decided to take a step back and discuss content marketing strategy at a high level for people and companies who are …


🙊How to save money with startup deals
Ali AbouelattaJan 17
Unconventional ways to save money and extend your runway
Marketing Mythbusters
Shannon SankeyJan 20

Debunking marketing misbeliefs.

The post Marketing Mythbusters appeared first on Carney.


Uncovering The Hidden Power Of Your Unfair Advantage

In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba. They both are award-winning authors and entrepreneurs. Despite not going to university, Ash became a serial tech founder and the first marketing director of a unicorn startup – Just Eat). Hasan built a …

How to Keep Sales Coming in the New Year with Kurt Elster #574

Shopify Expert Kurt Elster joins me today to tell us how to keep that holiday momentum going in January and February. Think it's time to take a break and let your business breathe? Kurt says that's the worst thing to do, and offers some alternatives.

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Now with More Twitter, Salmon, and Warrior Nun!
John Wall and Christopher PennJan 20

In this Marketing Over Coffee: Learn about fewer new podcasts, behind the scenes at Twitter, Foldable Phones, and more! Direct Link to File Brought to you by our sponsor: LinkedIn Getty suing Stability AI Inside Twitter 6:28 LinkedIn – We’ve got a special offer for Marketing over Coffee Listeners, you …

6 Ways AI Can Support Content Creators
anchor.fmBufferJan 19

Hello there! As audiences demand more content across different platforms, the number of content creators is growing to meet the demand. But it’s hard to keep up the pace of consistent and quality publishing without the support of a team. Content creators need all the help they can get – …

Anyone at your company think Marketing is the "IT" Department? 👨🏽‍💻

A lot of people at my new company think I'm part of the IT department.

Anyone else have this issue? 🙂

Trying to move to a Head of Marketing/CMO position

Ive been working in Marketing for 18 years and I’ve hit a ceiling with my marketing career - never progressing from a certain level.

I started as a Copywriter in 2005 before moving onto Head of Communications and Head of Content Marketing roles in the last several years.

It’s a …

2023 Marketing Worksheet

Hey everyone,

This is a follow up from my last posts in 2021 about the marketing worksheets.

Here's the 2023 updated Google Sheet

Either create your own copy or click on File -> Download As for those Excel users.

Templates for:

  • User Persona Creation Guide
  • Marketing Goal and Results Tracker …

Marketing Jobs on the Swipe Files Job Board →


Alex Garcia 🔍 @alexgarcia_atx

How to write a good headline:

- Start with your offer (What they get)
- End with your hook (How you’re diff)

73Jan 21 · 8:23 AM
Katelyn Bourgoin @KateBour

Have you ever started reading a book, lost interest, and then felt guilty for not finishing it?

The guilt is due to a psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik Effect—we feel tension when tasks are left unfinished

You can ditch the guilt

Life is too short to read bad books

66Jan 20 · 5:10 AM
Marketing Examples @GoodMarketingHQ

Write with conviction.

• Don't say “a” say “the”
• Don't say “help” say “how”
• Don't say “alternative” say “replaces”

26Jan 20 · 6:46 AM
Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧 @ecomchasedimond

Just got to the hospital!

Looks like our baby is coming tonight or tomorrow 🙏

2Jan 20 · 7:56 PM
Andrea Bosoni @theandreboso

I hate how social media algorithms reward popularity so that expert insights don't get impressions and platitudes go viral.

10Jan 21 · 8:12 AM
Rand Fishkin @randfish

New SEO spam technique:
- Have GPT create "questions" on Q+A and forum sites
- Have GPT answer those same questions
- Google ranks the Q+As b/c of those domains' historic authority

It's just like the old (but, obviously worse) auto-gen'd content from the 2005-2011 spam era.

40Jan 19 · 10:04 AM
Nik Sharma @mrsharma

There really is no better feeling of excitement than launching a new @Shopify brand & getting your first (real) sale 😍

3Jan 20 · 2:41 PM
Amanda Natividad @amandanat

What's something you learned to love about yourself?

9Jan 20 · 8:54 AM
Matt Navarra @MattNavarra

Amazon Is Paying Influencers to Use Inspire, Its TikTok Competitor

One influencer says they were offered $250 for every vertical video uploaded that was less than 30 seconds (up to 10 videos).…

24Jan 19 · 10:22 AM
Daniel Murray @Dmurr68

7 deadly sins of content creation:

1. Ignoring your audience
2. Being inconsistent
3. Failing to adapt
4. Plagiarism
5. Not staying true to your brand
6. Being overly self-promotional
7. Not distributing your content

What would you add?

23Jan 19 · 12:36 PM
Matthew Kobach @mkobach

The best response you can give to your boss if they ask you something you don't know:

"I don't know, but I'll figure it out"

7Jan 19 · 7:22 PM
Pe:p Laja 🇺🇦 @peeplaja

I've been around long enough that a new crop of marketers don't know where I came from. Today someone on LinkedIn dissed me 'what do I know about testing'.

Ha. I'm old.

1Jan 20 · 7:22 AM
Corey Haines @coreyhainesco

Common SaaS marketing mistakes:

• Not niching down
• Copying competitors
• Making random content
• Copying big companies with 100x budget
• Spreading yourself thin across too many channels

What am I missing?

5Jan 20 · 11:30 AM
Ross Simmonds @TheCoolestCool

95% of the hot takes on Twitter are coming from delusional keyboard consultants who have never done the things they’re advising you to do.

Be careful who you take advice from on the internet.

11Jan 19 · 10:03 AM
Jay Acunzo @jayacunzo

The one and only @ungatedcreative nails it with a hammer the size of Rushmore.

Read this.

Read it again.

Read it a third time.

Never forget it.

(See his feed for a link to the full piece)

6Jan 19 · 6:46 AM
Aleyda Solis 🇺🇦 @aleyda

Reached the 135K twitter followers but been so busy that only realized now that have 135.1K 😅 Thanks for your follow! Will I reach the 150K before Twitter implodes? Let’s find out 🙌

1Jan 20 · 1:28 PM
Kevin_Indig @Kevin_Indig

It's funny how some people are outraged that AI writes content on the internet.

They might know how much content on the internet was written by marketers and non-subject matter experts 😂.

2Jan 20 · 2:11 PM
hiten.eth @hnshah

It’s really fun to build a unique product in an emerging category. Especially if challenging your assumptions daily is what you’re into.

0Jan 20 · 6:42 PM
Wil Reynolds @wilreynolds

Do you hate "networking" but know having a network is critical? Here's how I've built my network, as someone who loathes networking.

4Jan 20 · 7:48 AM
JH Scherck @JHTScherck

No shade to Ross, but I would argue most are in Org C:

No idea what will move the needle, unsure where to allocate resources, doesn't know how to tease apart brand traffic from non-branded, not tracking revenue, focused on getting 10 links month, no cohesive strategy.

Ross Hudgens @RossHudgens

Two SEO organization types:

Org A: Tracks rankings and updates pages reactively based on ranking movement.

Org B: Updates content on a schedule based on SERP freshness, ignoring almost all ranking changes until the post update.

I'd bet on organization B winning every time.

1Jan 19 · 2:56 PM
April Dunford @aprildunford

Need a new webcam to replace my Logitech brio which seems to have finally bit the dust. I do a lot of podcasts with video. Recommendations? Not using a Mac these days so Opal is not an option, unfortunately.

1Jan 21 · 9:23 AM
Taylor Lagace @TaylorLagace

Big influencers can get a lot of clicks.

But they don't see nearly as many conversions as a smaller influencer who actually likes the product.

1Jan 19 · 2:00 PM

Thanks for reading!

Have a great week. 🤓

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Marketing Weekly #110

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