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30% off for life
For 4 days only For the next 4 days, you can get 30% off all CXL products. This includes buying any minidegree (30% off the purchase), or the all-access subscription (30% lifetime discount). Go
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Offer is everything
I have 8 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind Motivation is way more powerful than friction. If people *want* something, they're ready to deal with considerable friction. That's why working
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CXL is 10 years old
I have 7 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind In the previous decade, focusing on product capabilities was enough to win. Today, there are 50x more companies than there were 10 years ago. The
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Embarrassed of myself from a year ago
I have 8 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind 'Anyone who isn't embarrassed of who they were last year probably isn't learning enough.' I was thinking about this quote when I came
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Family story inside
I have 7 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind 3 years ago, some of my family members traveled to Antigua for a holiday. In customs and immigration, their bags got searched and they found some
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Growth rate of 5233%
That's what you're going up against. So how do you compete? I have 7 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind The law of shitty click throughs is legit. 10 yrs ago email popup conversion
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Differentiation lessons from metal bands
...because differentiation makes you visible. And money follows attention. I have 8 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind Sameness is pervasive. Most SaaS companies look like other SaaS
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Ice cream doesn’t just compete with ice cream
...and that's why market segments are an oversimplification. I have 6 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind “Companies want to win against the competition. Sometimes it's easy to name
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Please tell me
Hey there, I noticed you checked out our new product Playbooks, but didn't end up signing up. Can you please tell me what stopped you? A single line works perfectly. - Peep CXL CEO Our address: 901
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The old way of elearning follows classical education
Just-in-time learning is the new way I have 7 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind “Over the last 5 years, we've conducted many hundreds of user interviews at CXL. Maybe over a thousand.
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You're not supposed to be excited
Companies get so excited when launching a new product, they forget who they made it for. And so, all the product launch content ends up looking like… "We're proud to announce…" "We
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I need you to google something
When you google 'average course completion rates', here's what you get: Completion rates in online courses are generally low, averaging around 13%. If you're in the 87% majority that
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elearning is broken (for most)
We launched CXL Institute about 5 years ago. We've learned a lot about elearning since, and I've come to one clear conclusion: elearning is broken for most people. And we're fixing it with
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90% that never made it.
90% of people who start an online course… Never finish it. Want to hear a not-so-fun statistic? Around 90% of people who start an online course… Never finish it. Why? Because people inevitably
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Are you doing what everyone else is doing?
Then you might not get noticed for a while I have 7 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind ““If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is
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Last chance to get all free bonuses, the party ends tomorrow
Enroll to the Brand Marketing Minidegree for 4 free bonuses Hey there, As you probably know by now, our Brand Marketing Minidegree was launched this week. We're still super stoked. Today is
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Stand out in the “sea of sameness”
And get some CXL swag Hey there, Sadly, most companies have table-stakes arguments to sell and promote their services contributing to a big “sea of sameness”. The differentiation comes from
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Turn your connections into a powerful online community
The single best way to scale up your business Hey there, It doesn't matter your specialty. Analyst, SEO specialist, product, growth, content. The modern day marketer needs to be able to
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Here's what to do if you sell to B2B
I have 8 updates for you this week. 1. On my mind “If you sell to B2B (5+ figure ACV). 1. Make a list of every company that should become a customer in the next 5 years. 2. Involve them in your media
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Our new Brand Marketing Minidegree launches today
And why it's one of a kind Hey there, I believe that a strong brand is your best, most sustainable long-term asset. In a world where everyone has the same features/capabilities, the brand is